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suzumushi updates PolyPortamento to v1.1.0 (Windows, VST3, Free)


suzumushi has updated PolyPortamento, a free MPE FX / Utility VST3 Plugin for Windows, to version 1.1.0.

PolyPortamento is a plug-in enabling polyphonic portamento with MPE synthesizers.

MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) specification is applicable to polyphonic, that is, MIDI channel-based pitch bend, as well as portamento and legato functions. However, in a large number of MPE synthesizer implementations, MPE support of MIDI functions is limited to pitch bend only.

PolyPortamento is a plug-in inserted between a MIDI track and an MPE synthesizer. It works MIDI channel basis and then converts a received MIDI Note On event to a series of Pitch Bend Changes for portamento.

PolyPortamento is provided as a VST 3 plug-in for digital audio workstations. OS environment is 64-bit Windows 10 and later.



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