Cycling '74 recently updated Max to v7.2.5.
Fixed Bugs:
- hi: fixed 64-bit usage.
- jit.expr: fixed functors for 64-bit.
- fixed for Mac El Capitan OS.
- works in a standalone.
- Max For Live fixed texture_output glitches in Live in certain situations.
- MIDI: deleted devices are properly hidden from the UI and @name attribute.
- mpeparse: correct zone number in mpeevent output for channel pressure events.
- playbar: only bangs if @automatic is set to '0'.
- plot~: redraws properly after a buffer~'s size is changed.
- polymidiin: properly outputs all cc/pitchbend messages.
- VIDDLL fixed crash when asyncread sent with movie file already loaded.
- VIDDLL fixed issue with certain gifs when @output_texture is enabled.
Max 7.2.4
New Features:
- Mira: supports USB connectivity (Mac only).
- Mira: misc bug fixes and Max 7 compatibility.
- mpeparse: @index attribute to set mpeparse to output only on the specified voice number (from 1 to 15).
- mpeparse: added third release velocity value for note output.
- mpeparse: accepts 'mpeevent' messages.
- MIDI: @name attribute to set the object's MIDI port based on a device name (case-sensitive partial string match).
- VIDDLL video engine: can set ffmpeg options via dictionary input.
- VIDDLL video engine: jit.record & jit.vcr functionality.
- VIDDLL video engine: asyncread to read movie files in a background thread.
- VIDDLL video engine: loadram caches frames in a background thread (BETA).
- VIDDLL video engine: external for sending movie files with audio tracks to MSP (BETA).
- VIDDLL video engine: support for animated GIFs.
- VIDDLL video engine: support for reading from URLs.
Fixed Bugs:
- AVF video engine: fixed blackmagic crash when Blackmagic UltraStudio Mini-Monitor is plugged in.
- date: reports correct time / date.
- Gen codebox: appropriately locked in abstraction.
- Gen codebox: no longer replaced by default genpatcher on save (when hosted in poly~).
- jit.grab/ fixed output_texture crash when enabled without valid gl context.
- more consistency in behavior on loop end across video engines.
- fix for non-unique output on VIDDLL and AVF engines.
- live.param~: now uses a 64 sample buffer to avoid distortion / zippering.
- Max For Live: fixed deadlock when freezing a device.
- MIDI input ports: properly registers Novation Launchpad multi-ports.
- Packages: fixed multi-arch packages on windows 32-bit OS.
- pictctrl: no longer ignores offset.
- serial: fixed crash when chunk attribute is > 1 (Win only).
Max 7.2.3
Fixed Bugs:
- autocomplete: no longer fails with delete key on windows and fn+delete on mac.
- AVF video engine: fixed movie load frame issues.
- dict: right inlet is properly 'cold'.
- Gen: Code panel brackets expressions properly.
- Gen: delay operator ref appears in sidebar.
- Gen: removed 256 MB limit for data.
- gen~: further fixes for samplerate in exported code.
- jit.grab: Fixed fallback to dx engine.
- jit.matrix: importmovie fixes for VIDDLL engine.
- fixed crash with some m4v files and viddll engine.
- Jitter: Windows no longer requires Quicktime.
- Max For Live: fixed OpenGL-related crash when un-freezing some amxd devices.
- normalize~: fixed large value output miscalculation.
- Rewire: msprewiredevice.bundle back in installer.
- sfplay~ / buffer~: fixed issues with read / import mp3 in 64-bit when OS language is Polish.
- spigot~: fixed crash on Windows x86 when Quicktime is not installed.
- VIDDLL: properly found and used when included in standalone.
- VIZZIE / BEAP toolbar mini browser: fixed crash when scrolling mousewheel or two-finger swipe.