Cycling '74 has updated Max to v6.1.7.
New Features:
- Gen: added subpatcher message to gen subpatchers.
- Gen: ISF export to gen patchers (see Gen Code Export ISF Wiki Article).
- maxurl: wrapper around libcurl that can perform HTTP requests.
- poly~: prevents opening window if subpatcher was saved with the window open.
Fixed Bugs:
- audio bitwise objects: work the same on all architectures.
- buffer~: fixed 4th arg to the 'read' message so that a '0' will resize the number of channels.
- buffer~: fixed behavior of 'replace' to resize the number of channels in addition to the length.
- buffer~: fixed crashing on 'importreplace'.
- buffer~: writes raw data.
- coll: improvements for very long entries.
- dict: 'contains' works with heirarchy.
- dict: fix for not wrapping symbols in quotes if the symbol starts with a digit.
- dict: fixed crashing when setting a value at an invalid array position.
- dict: fixed memory leak.
- dict: improved error reporting when using 'set'.
- dict: improved syntax parsing when quotes are used.
- dict.pack: added name argument.
- gen~: fixed gate operator compilation under certain circumstances.
- enabling @capture no longer affects the color of gl objects.
- fix for cell operator.
- jit.phys.body: no longer loses child shapes when enable toggled or shape changed.
- jit.phys.ghost: fixed crash with colliding ghost objects.
- jit.phys.multiple: @shape attribute no longer is reset when receiving a new mesh_matrix.
- jit.release~: fixed possible hang on free.
- jit.turtle: fixed crash / memory corruption.
- jsui: new Image from graphics context preserves alpha.
- kslider: fixed potential memory corruption.
- live.drop: fixed spurious 'Attempting to convert non UTF-8 characters' warning.
- live.drop: restores protected sample presets.
- Max For Live: misc fixes for parameter blob recall and freeing.
- Max For Live: reading of encrypted samples now works in 64-bit mode.
- Max For Live: undo gesture improvements.
- mxj: no longer crashes when it can't find a class.
- number/flonum: no longer stops scrolling in bpatcher.
- object defaults: fixed dialog box when saving settings.
- Packages: Extensions folder can contain mxe64 files.
- Packages: extras folders now added to the searchpath.
- patchcord menu: 'delete' no longer removes text in object box.
- poke~: fixed crash when there is no valid buffer.
- poke~: fixed sound distortion issues.
- polybuffer~: numeric sorting for channel in window.
- pong: fixed fold mode.
- pong~: properly reads attributes.
- pow~: no longer sends NaNs or denormals.
- Projects: app building includes gen~ abstractions.
- Quicktime: removed API calls from Max kernel.
- transport: fixed bar count with uneven time signatures.
- uzi: middle outlet no longer stops firing under certain circumstances.
- vst~: fixed CPU spike with pitchbend updates.
- vst~: fixed MIDI out note velocity.
- waveform~: fixed redrawing issue with channeloffset.