Merry Xmas Urs and thanks for 3 years with Zebra 2

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putte wrote:so Urs, fühl dich geherzt und gedrückt, und alles beste für 2009 für dich und deine frau.
:hug: back from us 8)

Hope to see you in Frankfurt!


mkastrup wrote:Around this time 3 years ago is kinda special, it was the time when Urs first took orders for his upcoming Zebra 2. The release was around 1st February 2006. When i got my package i was all over it for the first month or so. I needed it for some additive sampling projects. After the job was done i forgot about Zebra 2. Then roughly one year later Zebra 2 starts making some noise with the arrival of Howard and Beej's Transmission Soundset.

Well the rest is history, i picked up on Zebra and gave it a go again. Not in my wildest dream could i imagine how big an impact Zebra 2 would have on my daily sound design.

So here we are, 3 years have passed and Urs is still with us. 3 years with that kind of dedication from a developer is a extremly rare sight these days. Urs, you have my best wishes for you and your family during the Xmas and Holidays.
To Mike: :clap: :clap: :clap:



+1 right here, to an amazing developer who actively listens to his userbase and is extremely humble and polite. Merry Christmas and have a safe and happy holiday mate!


merry xmas, very generous mr urs 8)


Merry christmas Urs!

I now have purchased filterscape and uhbik, and I'm sure zebra and MFM2 will follow in the new year, along with whatever else you may have cooking!


Just saw this thread and want to drop some nice words too.

Urs, you're one of the nicest guys in this industry that I know. Extremely good at what you're doing with great taste which shows in your great sounding plugins and their good looking GUIs which are among the best ones.
Zebra is my main synth and I still only scratched it's surface (after creating ~300 presets for it). For a year now loading a synth simply means loading Zebra. Life got easier with that cool one. :D

I wish you and your wife all the best for this coming holiday seasons and that you'll find some days off for some Xmas fun and some relaxation.


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