Merry Xmas Urs and thanks for 3 years with Zebra 2

Official support for:


Around this time 3 years ago is kinda special, it was the time when Urs first took orders for his upcoming Zebra 2. The release was around 1st February 2006. When i got my package i was all over it for the first month or so. I needed it for some additive sampling projects. After the job was done i forgot about Zebra 2. Then roughly one year later Zebra 2 starts making some noise with the arrival of Howard and Beej's Transmission Soundset.

Well the rest is history, i picked up on Zebra and gave it a go again. Not in my wildest dream could i imagine how big an impact Zebra 2 would have on my daily sound design.

So here we are, 3 years have passed and Urs is still with us. 3 years with that kind of dedication from a developer is a extremly rare sight these days.

Urs, you have my best wishes for you and your family during the Xmas and Holidays.

Best regards


To the u-he community, feel free to chime in :) - Sound Synthesis with Vintage flavour


+1, Urs is a very talented dev and a thorough gentleman. I haven't seen a single controversial thread about Urs or his products here. His support to paying and prospective customers is par excellence. He even has the patience to reply to posts (mine included, of course :hihi:) where any problem is clearly with the user and not with the product. Contrast that with another of my favorite products and it's developer! :oops: But this thread is not about him.

Z2 is the only synth I own; it looks like it will be that way for a long time to come. Slow (but steady) learner that I am, I do not think I will need anything else.

Merry Christmas to Urs, Grrl and any existing/in-the-pipeline Urs-lets! :lol:
:: FL Studio v9.0.3 :: u-he Zebra2 v2.5 :: u-he MFM v2.0.2b5 :: u-he Uhbik v1.1 :: EnergyXT v1.4.1/v2.0.2 ::


+1 Urs Rocks!!

Eid Mubarak from me :)



Good to know that Michael. By the way you forgot to mention the Old School Project.

Here goes my best wishes for Urs and his family. Great Guy

We're eager to see uhbik, Filterscape Update, Compressor, Etc, Etc....



Happy Holidays Urs. Thanks for everything.


+1 Hear hear.

Have a restful and enjoyable holiday to you and your family Urs, thanks for giving a wonderful contribution to the community - not only through the products you make but also through the support you give.


Thanks guys :oops:


Remember when I started to hear about Zebra. It was on the Logic Users Group, in the time when Logic was still the flagship of Emagic. I knew Urs then for the buzz around AU (which was still in its infancy), and form the first AU examples (Zoyd, and MFM 1), and also from the poting of the excelent package os Sasacha Eversmaier to the Mac.
An early adopters program was organized, and I told to myself - what the hell, let's go - and I jumped in. What can I say? After that, I bought everything Urs launched (I must confess that the loyalty discounts helped a lot ;-). And I agre that Zebre is currently on of the top VI's in the world. Congrats Urs, and keep the good work. And please don't get blinded by the good comments - that are still a lot of things that I personally would like to see in Zebra (a wavetable editor with additive synthesis, alla Microwave, would be one of them) ;-)
Fernando (FMR)


Indeed, Happy Holidays to you and Grrrl, Urs, and thank you very kindly for the endlessly inspiring tools. :)
New album, Chasing Fire, out now on Amazon, iTunes, etc.


+1 ch ch chi chiii chim m m chime in. in. in. in.


rbet wrote:I haven't seen a single controversial thread about Urs or his products here.
Ah, a nomination for developer witch-hunt of the week? Hmm...I wonder what kind of funky story can I make up about Urs...

Just freaking kidding, have a merry Christmas Urs. Now gimme Filterscape and all will be well and jolly and whatnot..


Merry Christmas Urs and thanks for Zebra and all the updates you keep bringing out. Zebra is pretty much the perfect synth imo.


3 weeks with Zebra... loving it. [ Don't forget to sort out the OSC Save (edit: yay! just noticed it's sorted... good work that man!) & Screen Size remembrance at some point in the future... :P ]

Can't wait for Uh-bix and more than likely Filterscape/Feedback Machine 2 Thingy in the new year... all on my 'damn i've got too many plug-ins but one more surely can't hurt' list! :D

And don't forget to take a Christmas break Urs! ;)


All I have to say is we couldn't ask for a nicer guy to make us these cool toys. Thanks for all the effort Urs, it's appreciated by many. :D


.. knowing Urs personally i can only second what you people write here. he's a superb bloke, with a big big heart and a top sense of humor. :hug:

so Urs, fühl dich geherzt und gedrückt, und alles beste für 2009 für dich und deine frau.

the only thing he's not good at is coding plugins, and that you guys love his plugs shows how lame kvr really is .. :hihi: + ;)

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