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All reviews by stoman

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Reviewed By stoman [all]
December 6th, 2021
Version reviewed: 7 on Windows

It has a nice overall sound, but, frankly, nothing you cannot achieve with plugins in any other DAW.

Mixbus, which is actually the OpenSource software Ardour, just with a proprietary mixer, crashes or freezes very often. Lots of plugins are not recognized (e.g. the whole Waves portfolio).

I find the mixer GUI hard to work with, even on a huge monitor.

The feature set is extremely limited (which some may actually appreciate). The built-in channel strip compressor and EQ are good enough for a quick rough mix, but you will definitely need more tools for a real mix. Mixbus does not come with any of those tools, unlike all other DAWs, so you have to add that money to the total price.

MIDI support is pretty much non existant, so don't even try to use Mixbus for MIDI production. It is only suitable for audio jobs (recording an mixing).

Mixbus also does not support ARA.

I use Mixbus (very) occasionally on Windows and played around with it for fun on Linux for a while. Sometimes the lack of features can actually be a fun challenge. For serious projects, though, I stick with my primary DAWs.

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