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FB-7999 has an average user rating of 5.00 from 1 review

Rate & Review FB-7999

User Reviews by KVR Members for FB-7999


Reviewed By kraftraum [all]
December 11th, 2021
Version reviewed: 1.02 on Windows

Hello everyone in the world, .

after accompanying the beta test of the FB7999, I actually wanted to quickly make an evaluation for it. But sometimes things turn out differently. That's why the review comes from me now.

Why do I give the synthesizer 5 stars?

1. The user interface
Björn has the great ability to adapt the operation of the emulations to the existing hardware operation. That is also the case here. I find my way around very quickly and can create sounds for myself in no time.

The only downer is the lack of a sequencer, but hey: that would be complaining at a high level for me because everyone can create sequences in their DAW with ease if they want: P.

A tip for the DW-6000 / DW-8000 hardware owners: the values do NOT have to be changed with the parameter controller;).

2. Haptic
Haptic in software synthesizers? Oh yes, for me the decisive factor with Haptic is whether all parameters are clearly structured, whether I can reach them quickly with my controllers and thus work well in my flow without any misalignments.
This works excellently here because all parameters can be found on one page.

3. Sound
For many DW-6000 / DW-8000 enthusiasts, it is certainly crucial how close the sound comes to the hardware. And I feel the sounds are super close compared to my test samples (I don't have the hardware).

For me it is more important: how does the synth sound? Is it assertive and can I use it to create all sounds, from bass sounds to drums, FX to pads?

For me everything is very suitable: both synthesizers work extremely well, from PADs to bass sounds to crazy sounds from me;) The only drawback for me: the drum sounds are a bit more difficult to create. Here's a tip: just add a compressor to the mixer channel and set the gain to +3 DB (or so).

The 16 waveforms are great for sound tinkering. And the tweak with the pseudo-stereo improves the sound considerably.

4. CPU load
As with all Björn synthesizers, I'm always pleasantly surprised: the CPU load on my computer is totally negligible, downright ridiculous. No spikes, no surprise when calling up unison mode with all 64 voices. Perfect.

5. Extras
I know Björn and love the intelligent, well thought-out extensions that he also donates as "extras". It's the same here again: SYSEX importer / exporter, the DW-6000/8000 waveforms, the pseudo-stereo tweak, the extended waveforms of the DW-6000 ...

Where do you get 2 Emulations in One? Yes, by Fullbucket :).

As a beta tester, I appreciate the meticulous work done by Björn / Fullbucket. Personally, I'm always fascinated by Björn's great synthesizers, which he shares with everyone for free. I have enormous respect for his projects in his free time.

If you want to hear more of the sonic possibilities of the synthesizer, listen to my demo track on Soundcloud:

I created all the presets from scratch with the synth, with the only exception: the vocoder voices. The presets for this track, as well as other bonus presets, are available exclusively by Björn at

You can find more presets right here under the downloads (which I provide today).

Thank you Björn.

Greetings out of the Kraftraum

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