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WaveDNA updates Liquid Rhythm and Liquid Rhythm Intro to v1.3.1


WaveDNA has updated Liquid Rhythm and Liquid Rhythm Intro to v1.3.1. The latest version features a number of bug fixes, feature enhancements, and most notably, Novation Launchpad support for the Max for Live clip mode of Liquid Rhythm in Ableton Live. Liquid Rhythm previously included Launchpad support for standalone. In addition, the latest release includes a beta version of MIDI scripting support for Ableton's Push controller.

Improvements and Updates:

  • Novation Launchpad now has MIDI scripting support in Ableton Max for Live Clips mode. Users can control Liquid Rhythm through Launchpad scripting (Launchpad, Launchpad S, Launchpad Mini).
  • Duplicate Loop Region has been added to the right-click of the loop region bar.
  • Export MIDI has been revamped to have its own wizards. MIDI files can now be exported as individual tracks.
  • Added the ability to quickly delete notes that are muted. Right-click option on region selection within Note Edit mode.
  • The contents of the BeatForm Sequencer can now be automatically loaded by selecting BeatForm Palettes in the Molecule Tools bar.
  • BeatForms can be dragged out of the Palette and dropped anywhere on the arranger.
  • New touchscreen friendly features: Thicker scrollbars and floating window with buttons for commonly used commands (available in the Options menu).
  • Right-clicking on the BeatForm Tumbler Dial gives you a list of BeatForms to immediately change the dial to.
  • Mute and Delete for notes based on their underlying colours.
  • Silents General MIDI Percussion Kit has been added for users who want to exclusively trigger MIDI on an external device (without hearing any sound from Liquid Rhythm's audio engine).
  • 'Region Focus follows Playhead' mode added to Options menu. Useful when using a MIDI Controller to edit the region that is currently being played.
  • New MIDI mapping feature in Accent Modifier Panel allows MIDI Mapping dials to control the range size of the velocity and groove sliders.
  • The BeatWeaver will now always open with the BarForm wheel.
  • Randomizer sliders now display the names of their functions in the Molecule Tools.
  • A sample's instrument type can now be changed to any other instrument type.


  • In previous version Liquid Rhythm would sometimes fail after downloading a new kit from online.
  • BeatForm Tumbler would sometimes not clear a location when dialled to the initial position.
  • Notes would sometimes fail to highlight when hovering over the Velocity shapers in the Accent Modifier Panel in Molecule Tools.
  • Removed the 'Track Add' in Liquid Rhythm Clip mode because you cannot create new lanes in clip mode.
  • Deleting a Beatform Palette would make the new selection appear empty. This has been fixed.
  • Mouse Wheel Scroll in the Molecule Tools would be interrupted if there was another panel or feature that consumed mouse wheel actions. They have been changed to consume alt/option-mouse-wheel instead. This allows seamless scrolling in the molecule tool panels.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the selected BeatForm will cause an error when BeatForm Tumblers are in use.
  • Tumblers would sometimes get out of sync with the focus region and the dials would change unexpectedly to the wrong BeatForm.
  • Arrows for MIDI Mapping or MIDI Scripting would not work if there wasn't already a region highlighted in the arranger. Now they automatically jump into selecting either the first region or last region.
  • A Windows Launcher for Liquid Rhythm in MaxLive patch bug, where the patch would load, but the UI wouldn't appear has been fixed. DLL includes all required dependencies, so no need to install Microsoft Redistributable.
  • Fixed a Liquid Rhythm crash in MaxLive Mode where choosing a loop from Liquid Rhythm library would cause a crash.
  • Switching from the BeatWeaver to BeatBuilder after selecting a row from the Molecule table would cause a crash.
  • BeatForm Tumbler in "Position" mode would get disabled when focused on an empty region. Instead, it's enabled and uses the all-blue BarForm as default.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent Liquid Rhythm from preserving MIDI mapping changes between application launches.
  • Loading Audio Unit plugin for the first time would cause an audio artefact to play.
  • Fixed a startup timing issue where the audio engine would not connect to the UI.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the playhead to disappear in Ableton Live through Liquid Rhythm MaxLive mode.
  • Removed unnecessary and non-functioning devices that appeared in Windows when scanning for controllers in the Device Panel in the Settings Window.
  • Velocity shaper button icons would sometimes get out of sync with their underlying state through MIDI mapping.

Beta Features:.

  • Ableton Push Scripting is now available in Liquid Rhythm Standalone and Liquid Rhythm through Max for Live within Ableton.
  • Custom BeatSeeker maps can be created in the BeatSeeker menu.

Beta Features for Beta Testers*

  • BeatForm edit mode. This allows moving BeatForms within the arranger. (Available in the 'Beta' menu).

*Interested users can apply online to the Liquid Rhythm Beta Testing Program.

The latest version of Liquid Rhythm and Liquid Rhythm Intro is available for download on the WaveDNA website. Learn more on the WaveDNA blog.



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