Sensomusic has updated Usine Hollyhock to v3.0.157.
- Touch-Fader user module (by fx23fx) now included in the library.
- Updated Poly-Mini-Mogg patch library.
- Scroller position is memorized in the settings-panel.
- Reduced control-panel new layout.
- Number-of-files outlet in samplers and video player.
- Restart inlet in sequenced-step modules.
- sdkDialogInputBox doesn't work properly.
- CanBeSavedInPreset: LongBool; option added in ModuleInfo.
- TransparentBackground: LongBool; option added in ModuleInfo.
Fixed Bugs:
- Various potential crashes during the plug-ins scan.
- Send start-page/recents files to trash doesn't work.
- Various GUI details.
- Various potential hard crash solved.
- Can't change the audio sample rate.
- 'on-off' inlet doesn't work on send-midi-bus module.
- Chat engine no longer available.