Re-Compose has updated Liquid Notes to v1.5.3.1.
- MIDI files can now be dragged out of Liquid Notes, dropped onto other programs, or saved to the file manager for a more comfortable workflow.
- The window Settings now features a link "Learn more" in the bottom left corner. Click on it to find information on each of the settings listed for the tab/window open.
- The MIDI Clock Sync feature is now turned "off" by default, and some bugs related to it have been fixed.
- Empty MIDI files will now report the error message "Invalid MIDI", telling the user to check the MIDI file.
- The selector for the target scale of LN Live has been moved from the bottom right of the main window to Settings. In its place, the current scale is shown at all times now.
- We included some libraries with relevance for the Java RunTime installation on your system to operate correctly. This ensures that Java is installed correctly and that no components are missing.
- More little bits and pieces that we corrected along the way.