Kotkas has updated the Free and Pro versions of Paax to v2.1, featuring the following additions:
Paax Free & Pro:
- Added SoundFont Stereo Pairing. This feature dramatically reduces voices/CPU usage when loading SoundFonts with stereo-coupled samples. It also reduces incompatibility warnings.
Paax Pro only:
- Added "Edit scope" menu for advanced split panel changes. This new drop-down menu allows the user to choose the scope of the changes to the advanced controls:
- normal - only selected split-zone-channel is affected.
- v-zone - changes affect both channels of current vel-zone.
- channel - changes affect the selected channel for ALL velocity zones of the current split.
- split - changes affect both channels on all vel-zones of the current split.
- preset - changes affect all channels/vel-zones for all splits of the current preset.