Bremmers Audio Design has released MultitrackStudio v4.2.
- Effect windows no longer disappear when you click the transport buttons / overview bar / mixer faders etc. There can still be only one effect visible at a time.
- Optional light background theme for editors (screenshot).
- Tracks: File name boxes can have different colors for better overview. The track's editor will use this color as well.
- "Paste" now uses the needle position (which equals the transport position) instead of the start of the selected part.
- Copy/Paste buttons on controller editors, automation editors en Automated Fader effects. Data can be exchanged between these editors.
- You can now double-click MIDI notes and patterns to edit them (instead of using the EDIT button). Double-click Markers and Labels to rename them.
- Groups and Effect Returns can be re-ordered using drag-and-drop, just like Tracks. Works only if transport is stopped.
- Tempo editor: Automated Faders, automation data and markers are updated if the tempo is edited.
- Tempo and Time Signature editors have Copy, Paste, Repeat, Delete and Cut buttons.
- Markers and Lyrics from MIDI files can be imported.
- Mouse scroll-wheel can scroll selector lists and vertical scrollbars.
- MIDI File Merger tool, merges all MIDI tracks in one MIDI file. This is intended for moving the MIDI tracks to a notation program.
- Shelf can stay folded out (click the "screw holes").
- Presets of mixer sections (including Tracks).
- Triplet of 8th and 16th items in shelf's Midi Notes section (to add triplets easily).
- "Select Left" and "Select Right" options on editor popup menus.
- Truncate File option on audio track editor's popup menu (truncates file destructively).
- Drum editor: toggle between single-instrument and all-instruments by clicking instrument name.
- Exception errors caused by VST plug-ins can do less harm.
- WinSound driverset: better audio recording/playback synchronization
- Windows Vista (RC2) compatibility
- MultitrackStudio can be used by "limited account" Windows users. Multiple users on a computer now have their own preferences and song folders etc.
- Better "High DPI" behaviour: almost all user interface elements enlarge if you increase the Windows DPI setting.
- Audio to MIDI conversion: note length is more accurate.
- RMID (RIFF MIDI) type MIDI files can be opened.
- BWAV (Broadcast Wav) .wav files can be opened.
- Several speed improvements (GUI painting, MP3 files appear in track editor faster etc.)
- VST windows can grow bigger than the initial size (for Albino 3 VST plug-in).
- Pro Plus: Automation editor: parameters appear in a list instead of in the menu if there are more than 16 parameters. This makes plug-ins with many parameters more easier to use.
- Pro Plus: the sidechain menu of Compressor etc. detects adding/removing Effect Returns again (was broken in 4.1).
- Patterns are saved in .mpt files again (was broken in 4.1).
Plus various other improvements and fixes.
This version is free for anyone who paid for a 4.x version. Upgrades are $23 (Professional) / $39 (Pro Plus) for customers who purchased an older version.