Bad sounding room

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what do you do to improve your recordings in an bad sounding room (ugly reverb, deep resonances)? Which (inexpensive) tricks do you use?



I'm in the process of treating my room with some light 2 cm thick rockwool panels, placed in strategic locations on the exposed walls and behind the speakers, covered with some stylish fabric. It's a living room with mainly HF-problems.

I got very good results last time when I recorded vocals in the middle of my room, with a thick pile of those rockwool panels right behind me - it deadened the sound almost perfectly. Without that my room sounds very hollow, I think that you could make that sort of anti-echo wall basically out if anything soft.

I got the panels for free but they are not very expensive anyway.


The problem is also, that I don't want to change the room itself. Maybe I really need one or two movable walls with some kind of foam material. But burl foam material that removes deep frequencies is not cheap. Is that rockwool suitable, or is there any other cheaper material I could use to absorb deep resonances (100 - 300 Hz in my room I think)?


I pack myself inside a sleeping bag while singing...... it's quieter for the naybors and it's reflection free.....


I pack myself inside a sleeping bag while singing...... it's quieter for the naybors and it's reflection free.....
Are you kidding? I really don't know if you are! :?
If you are not, how exactly do you do it?


Cubicle walls make great isolation panels. Sometimes people give them away for free. Like if a company gets new ones or something.


For 100-300 hz you will need bass traps, not foam.

There is an article over at computer music mag called "hear no evil" that can help you with cheap solutions.


Best is to get some wedge acoustic foam and bass traps as well, but if you're in a pinch for money, then you can just hang some carpets or quilts on the walls. Or just hang them from the ceiling around the microphone, but at least a few feet away.
Producer/Sound Designer
PlanetSample - Electronica Sample CDs


to deaden near reflections, my walls are covered with ~1' trimmed strips of carpet underpadding pulled from a dumpster behind carpet shop :p that's higher freqs tho
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


What about if you have windows+metal framework on one side and a video editing station on the other?


multree wrote:I pack myself inside a sleeping bag while singing...... it's quieter for the naybors and it's reflection free.....

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Barf wrote:
multree wrote:I pack myself inside a sleeping bag while singing...... it's quieter for the naybors and it's reflection free.....
:shock: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


my room isn good for audio productions, it is very un formed and not typical, bad shitt... i need good nearfield monitor boxes to prevent producing a track which just sounds good at my place.


Move into a room wiht a sloping roof, sounds f**king top in here. No scientific techie shite whatsover to back it up, but I reckon thee's less shite bouncing around. Acoustic guitar still vibrates if I croon loudly enough mind. Nice.


Flying sausages are not worth the trouble to deal with as they don't usually reflect sound at all.

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