Help needed making a sound

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I've been trying for sometime to make a certain kind of sound and can't manage to pull it off : (250ko)

It's the sound with delay you can hear once each measure, some kind of "wow".
I thought it was quite simple, one saw, a low pass filter with resonnance and distortion, but I can't get close, and now I'm not even sure of what I'm hearing: is the filter only opening or is it also closing after ?
Am I'm missing something ? can't get the enveloppe time and amount right.

Thanks a lot for any help, it's driving me nuts.


What I hear is:
* a kick drum
* tribal/jungle drums on 16ths, one sample played on different keys and velocities
* a vinyl scratch sample with delay (your "wow")
* a tambourine sample fading in/out

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