bennasi`s bass line

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Hi ppl!! benny benassi base line... how does he do it??
module? vsti? amps? effects? what makes that sound?


Try to search this forum on Benassi, and you will find out. This question comes up each month.

and the trick is called sidechained compressor


here's how you do it...

load up a fat drum sample... the load up something like v-station with the default preset (preset 300) for a nice sawtooth wave.. then make sure BOTH the v station and the bassdrum go over the same fx..

on the fx channel load up a compressor and compress the whole thing LOTS AND LOTS to get it pumping.

Play with the cutoff of v station .. and as for the pattern.. well just either copy benassi's pattern or come up with something similar.. with a bit of playing around you'll get very close.. if not identical to the sound you're after...

it will suond a little messy but so do benassi's songs.. so yeah.. there you go.

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