Interactive Inspector?

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I dont understand the BES-inspector...

If i click an element (clip/track/sub-device....) ... MOSTLY the inspector follows... so far so good.

But if i click an deeper elemen, eg a knob inside a device... the inspector will not follwow...
If i have MODULATORS and hit this blue Arrow to activate modulution-targets... tehe inspector will sometimes follow, sometimes not....

I dont understand the "logic" behind this behavior!

Any recommenend vids, wich explains this "logic"?

Thank you!


This is just something you get a feel for the more you use bitwig, in general selecting interactable parameters doesn't select the device/modulator. If you want to select a device you click the device header, if you want to select a modulator you need to click the square.

Where it gets tricky is some modulators have interactable areas in their modulation squares, so you actually need to hunt to find whitespace. Macro for example has the knob and the bipolar toggle which are interactable, but also the label above the knob - so you have to select the whitespace to the left or right side of the knob. Hoping that some of this gets a rethink by the bitwig team as it is more finicky than it needs to be.

One other thing that I've also noticed is the layers selection behaviour is a bit wonky, if you select a instrument/fx layer then tweak a device within that layer bitwig will actually change the inspector selection to the previously selected device. Don't really understand this logic, would expect the layer to remain selected.

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