First impressions

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Been using PC3K as my main board for last 10 years or so and always loved it.
Bought a 2700 to consider for upgrade.

Running into a couple of issues…

First off the Sound tower editor is pretty wonky, no surprise. It has its uses but certainly can’t be counted on.

I’m having trouble loading samples… I get the unsupported format error message so seeking tips to ensure that samples will load.

The manual talks about being able to do a load and use fill, overwrite, merge, etc. but keyboard only seems to have the fill option?

Using the onboard sample editor, I can edit the start point, it plays the sample with the edit applied, but when I save the edit doesn’t stick; enter value of 100,000, no stick. It seems to save if I enter something less than a few hundred.

There are a lot of things I really like in comparison to the PC3K, what is the general opinion of the solidity of the OS in this unit? I’m tempted to go ahead and make the switch and just deal with the shortcomings.

Disappointment: can’t save into factory slots


I bought the K2700 twice. Sold it both times.
The UI is awful.
The Sound Tower editor is flaky at best.

If you love the stock Kurzweil sounds... and that'll keep you happy... then you're golden.
If you want to program VAST with that UI... it's a massive PITA.
Something like a simple mono lead synth sound can take two hours.

I gave up trying to get samples into the K2700.
Tried several apps and never could get things converted/loaded.
Even Kronos is far less cryptic with loading custom samples! :hihi:
(Much easier on Montage M and Nord Stage-4)

UI killed it for me the first time.
So outdated compared to Kronos and Montage
Second time, I decided I'd dig into VAST... and live with the awful UI.
That was until I discovered that Portamento didn't work (sound) right.
Programmed a basic Moog type mono lead sound that used Portamento.
Much to my dismay, the Portamento just sounded odd/off... almost like a glitch.
If a "VAST" synth engine can't articulate basic mono synth sounds correctly, it's not for me.
Sold it immediately.

If Kurzweil updated VAST and the UI significantly, I'd give another Kurzweil model a shot.

If you love the K2700, don't let me comments deter you.
I've been thru almost all the current workstations/synths.
I've bumped into major limitations with ALL of them (including AN-X in the Montage M8x).
Been dealing with a Portamento firmware bug in the Nord Stage-4 (just in Synth engine 1) for many months.

Pick the lesser of all evils (for your scenario)
Jim Roseberry
Purrrfect Audio

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