Elektron Analog Heat for mastering - this made me interested...

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This guy did mastering for 20 years and use it for niceties

Still looking at the plugins I have for mastering, but also had some wild idea getting a analog summing device of some sort.
- summing devices were in the range $1500-3000 or so
- but maybe Analog Heat with about $1000 will do the trick

To find that silk shine and air into a mix, kind of.

AH is praised like crazy for the sound and other things too, as I discovered.


Between Analog Obsession and Variety of Sound plugins, you can get this sound without having to go through an analog summing device (to save some cash).


I’ve run tracks, stems/submixes, and mixes though my AH and it sounds great! I don’t think I’d recommend that people run out and buy one just for mastering (nor would I discourage them), but that is certainly one of its benefits. It’s sorta like a Swiss Army knife of effects, especially the +FX version.
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


I’ve bought and sold a Nicerizer 16 Mk2. Still have a LittleOne 8 and SB2 but do not use them anymore. It’s not worth the headache. You will hear a difference but I never like analog summing difference.


Thanks for input.
I am checking out manual for AH mkI since there are a couple of ads for those at $400 range here locally. Might be worth a try. A second level synth is not what I want anyway. Possibly enhance digital synth like Opsix a bit right into daw but rather subtle then. And like yellow screen better on the earlier units anyway.

A couple of years ago when checking out analog summing devices it was quite different what they did. Dropped that idea and would be 8 to 16 channels you payed for needing more audio in/out. So AH with just stereo anyway sailed up as a possibility from all the praise it gets.


I disconnected my Opsix and will likely sell it off, but I liked running it through Boum. I could have done the same with AH, and would have liked it equally. Both boxes are great for this.

Its funny seeing this video now because Gaz's video was one of the ones that helped me buy my MK2.

Someone to know since I'm not the only one (per the Elektron boards), I've been having issues with MK2 losing connection via Overbridge, and it's worse on my M2 Macbook. What's worse is using it as an audio interface. I don't have this problem with Syntakt, but I do with AH.

If you encounter the same problem while using Overbridge, it is an easy fix... just turn off/turn back on AH and repeat as many times as needed. Luckily no settings lost while working with Overbridge.

I'm also mentioning this because with the problems, it might be worthwhile getting a MK2 that will likely be supported longer than the MK1. If you're watchful, you could end up with an AH MK2 for not much more than MK1.


Thanks for tips.

Some years ago I looked at Analog Drive stomp box for guitar, that also had 8 dist circuits and no specs for any AD/DA converters, so felt this is purely made with JFET, MOSFET and transformers and magnetic stuff.

With these similarities I thought maybe AH also was analog circuits for the core, which manual states for AH+FX can be accomplished.
- But now it looks it's an digital box with when using Overbridge etc.
- I wish they might do like for Clavia Nordlead doing 96k inside to avoid aliasing

I come to think of my Audient ASP 800 rack unit I have with two channels with one MOSFET and one Magnetic drive to combine to liking which are analog circuits and see what that might bring for digital synths at least.

So interest dropped quite a bit for AH until I get clarity where AD/DA converters are used.


Double post.
Last edited by soundmodel on Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.


A matter of taste really. I don't like the AH sound. I like Scream 4 and SA2RATE more. And the Culture Vulture / Decapitator and the Devastor. iZotope Trash is a power-house. Yes, the VOS models are also quite good. Acustica Nebula too. Nomad Magma is not well-known, but very analogue.

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