VHS crashes Logic right away on startup

Official support for: hornetplugins.com
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If I close a project in Logic X and VHS-plugin is active I can't open the project without Logic crashes.
When I uninstall VHS I can open the project again.

My temporary workaround: Load VHS in the project, and remove it from the plugin-chain before saving and closing. But sometimes I forget this, and then I need to uninstall.

I was looking for a crashlog in Console about this, but I don't find any Hornet Plugin crash-logs.

OSX 10.15.7


Hi, could you please let me know fi you are on an apple silicon or intel Mac? So I can hero you find the crash log.

thank you


Same Issue on Intel Mac. #1896506. So far, both plug ins purchased from Hornet are disappointing, to be polite.

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