Uvi Falcon preset search

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I am new to Falcon, so I apologize if this is obvious and I missed it. I’m trying to find a way to search across all of my Falcon soundbanks to find presets based on certain attributes.

For example: a bass that is analog and distorted. I don’t care what sound bank it comes from as long as it meets my criteria.

To varying degrees, arturia and NI are able to do this, but I can’t figure how to do the same in falcon. The best I see is navigating through the defined folder organization within each sound bank.

Any assistance is appreciated!


Ummm, do you have all the soundbanks available in the right-hand pane of Falcon?

I just reviewed Falcon for Higher Hz and I can't say I noticed that sort of granular searching but I pay limited attention to presets as I focus on the deeper capabilities of the device so probably would miss/ignore it. That said I do not recall ever noticing it in the marketing so would assume that this is not a feature.

Why not make the sound that you feel you need? Falcon is superbly capable and very fast once you know what you are doing. That side of it really impressed me, esp compared to HALion & Kontakt.


Hi Benedict,
Thanks for the reply. I do have the sound banks at the right hand side of the screen. However, it is cumbersome to search for a sound through 30 different sound banks (mostly sample-based and either named after obscure legacy hardware or with ambiguous names like "Inner Dimensions") where each one may have several sounds of the variety that would suit my needs. To find them, I need to bounce from bank to bank and recurse the menus.. Given the breadth of the sample-based sound sets that UVI includes with its subscription, it is just unbelievable to me that they don't have any method to filter sounds from the soundbanks--or at least become NKS compatible so that a tool like Komplete Kontrol could be used to search sounds by their attributes. Maybe it will come in the next version...

I agree with your sentiments about Falcon being deep for sound design. I normally use Phaseplant for sound design because I really enjoy the workflow, but I think Falcon can do a bit more, so it is worth exploring. That was the other thing that was a bit surprising about the sound banks--they are mostly sample based and don't appear to take full advantage of the synth capabilities (i.e using Falcon as a romper like Kontakt rather than a synth). All that said, the sounds are good, so I guess I'll just have to poke around a bit to get more familiar.

Thanks again for the response!


I agree that it would be a very useful feature if preset sounds could be searched the same way that is possible in Arturia and NI products.


Yeah I have wanted this type of search also, I have a butt load of banks in Falcon and there's no global search so you have to search through each one individually which sucks.

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