Starting a new genre

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i have some skills with daws making some trance before
question when you try to get good at a new genre
do you listen to people you wanna be like ?

or do you try to recreate songs your own versions

do you watch tutorials ?

how do you go from beginner to good at a particular genre

like your own journeys please cheers


I could not tell you. I trust my own judgement to define my own interpretation of the genre, if I decide to use an existing one to begin with.


Yeah I agree with the first response. I've actually never listened to another artist to try and create something similar sounding. I just go for it.
But I know that a lot of people do that, and sometimes I do wonder if that approach can actually be a good practice. I just also wonder if it leads to so many songs/artists of certain genres sounding the same...wich is happening more and more since the proliferation of (and easy access to) Computer DAWs.


Ablecrew wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2023 2:07 am Yeah I agree with the first response. I've actually never listened to another artist to try and create something similar sounding. I just go for it.
But I know that a lot of people do that, and sometimes I do wonder if that approach can actually be a good practice. I just also wonder if it leads to so many songs/artists of certain genres sounding the same...wich is happening more and more since the proliferation of (and easy access to) Computer DAWs.
i don’t see the problem of people sounding the same

if it’s good it’s good to much onus is put on people to be original and obscure

and it just needs to be good doesn’t it

but yeah i don’t know i think i’m better if i come
up with chords and sing along get an idea as when i go to the computer first to try to get a genre defining sound going i just end up making an 8 bar loop that dies a quick death

but i see tutorials

copy your idols blah blah

and of course someone will
learn a whole guitar book of songs and gain inspiration from one band or one artist
it’s kind of the same thing

aswell when i don’t know what i’m
doing i can get a bit lost so it’s a balance

but i think your right
elements of the genre i want mixed with my own style might come up with something more original cheers


I started making dnb and mostly now make house/techno tracks. Although not copying artists songs I did find it useful finding out how a lot of techno sounds were made and found it useful reverse engineering some free presets to see what things people did differently to DNB reeses etc.

You can then tweak these sounds to be yours and create songs similar to the genre but with your own twist.


So the OP is asking how to be a better follower?

Go buy a colouring book and call yourself an artist.


new genre? fudge step.


i mostly just listen to my music collection
which mostly contains classic rock, hard rock, punk, grunge
and alernative rock and shoegazer rock
and some edm
if new order, kylie minogue, alice dj, etc, is edm

i go to the library and borrow cds to listen to more rock
i hardly listen to the radio
i just use it to drown out my shitty noises in the toilet room

so, whatever shitty music i made/make
would have been or will be subconciously influenced by
all that mostly obsolete rock music?
ah böwakawa poussé poussé


tundra5 wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2023 3:19 am
Ablecrew wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2023 2:07 am Yeah I agree with the first response. I've actually never listened to another artist to try and create something similar sounding. I just go for it.
But I know that a lot of people do that, and sometimes I do wonder if that approach can actually be a good practice. I just also wonder if it leads to so many songs/artists of certain genres sounding the same...wich is happening more and more since the proliferation of (and easy access to) Computer DAWs.
i don’t see the problem of people sounding the same

if it’s good it’s good to much onus is put on people to be original and obscure

and it just needs to be good doesn’t it

but yeah i don’t know i think i’m better if i come
up with chords and sing along get an idea as when i go to the computer first to try to get a genre defining sound going i just end up making an 8 bar loop that dies a quick death

but i see tutorials

copy your idols blah blah

and of course someone will
learn a whole guitar book of songs and gain inspiration from one band or one artist
it’s kind of the same thing

aswell when i don’t know what i’m
doing i can get a bit lost so it’s a balance

but i think your right
elements of the genre i want mixed with my own style might come up with something more original cheers
It's not that too much emphasis is put on being original, actually I think it's not enough. It just seems that it's becoming more and more commonplace for music to sound so similar from one artist to the next, that unless you're a really keyed in fan of the genre, it can be hard to even know if you're listening to a Playlist of different artists, or one artists album.
If you think about the bands and artists between the 50's thru mid 80''s really hard to mistake one for the other because they all have very distinctive styles and songwring. That started to change around the 90' and only gets more and more common, resulting in way less creative artistry and originality.
It's out there, just less common. I feel like that's a bad thing for music, and art as a whole. Creating is by definition about being creative. What ever happened to non conformity? Lol. It doesn't nesscesarily make a artist bad if they have a similar sound as thier influences...that will always be the case. I think the problem lies when too many artists are emulating a specific sound too closely, and not giving listeners something to be intrigued by. Something thought provoking. Original sounding songs are the ones that are loved and remembered most, and the ones that move people the most.
I think it can probably be good to emulate a artist for practice purposes. It might be one of the best ways to get highly skilled at any craft actually. But at some point any artist should become creative and go with thier own flow and sound. Art is supposed to be fun and creative, not repetitive.
That being said...I do support a "to each thier own" point of view. Not just in music, but life in general.

Cheers :-)


I don't do genre's ...


I can’t do genres…

And it’s not like I haven’t tried but I can basically only sound like me. It’s a good and bad thing.


Yeah I'm in the same boat, I can't make anything in a "genre" if I tried. I just make my own weird sh*t and don't know what genre it is or isn't.


Everybody worth emulating ultimately does their own thing and breaks new ground -- but still learning the essentials and classics... even the Beatles started as a cover/copycat band. Fortunately, you can do both, since you're not in a conservatory. Skill + imagination = awesome!
Wait... loot _then_ burn? D'oh!


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