VST Plugins with Delphi and Lazarus

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what about creatingVST Plugins with Delphi and Lazarus ? are there developers still in these days ?

I created a couple of plugins which are working well in cubase, reaper, studio one and other DAWs.

it don't has to be c++ and juce all the time ;-)


Yes, I developed my Tranzistow and Diodow synthesizers with Delphi and Free Pascal + Lazarus, 32-bit and 64-bit versions, Windows VST2 / Standalone, Linux Standalone and even some ARM on Raspberry Pi3/4.

If you are doing this for your own enjoyment and for usage in your own music, like I do, then you'll be just fine. But if you are developing commercial plugins then C++ will probably be much better choice because the level of optimizations in Delphi and Free Pascal isn't quite on-par with the optimizations in modern C++ compilers. Furthermore, it is much easier to cover different platforms (PC, Mac) with C++ based frameworks like JUCE.

My DSP engines are 100% SSE3 and AVX2 inline assembler, everything written from scratch and meticulously optimized / tuned through the years, so I don't depend on those compiler optimizations at all. And I couldn't care less about Mac, anyway.


Well, I made some commercial Plugins, too. A Stereo Tube Emulation Compressor which is a special build for a Studio here, they are using PCs with windows 10, a couple of MACs and Cubase. My Plugins are working very well on both Platforms, compiled with the FPC on windows 11 and MAC OS.

Today you have Plugins with Video-Game like animations, running vintage tape recorders and more unusual stuff like this.
Audio Professionals like to hear not to see. 1% is a simple magnetic saturation emulation for example and 99% is the Video Animation. I build some Plugins with C++ and Lazarus to compare how they work. And there is no difference in performing, CPU usage and most importand the sound.


The only time I checked Mac build was a few years ago when I had some Mac Mini or whatever on loan for a few days, and I managed to create 32-bit Carbon version only because the state of 64-bit Cocoa support in Lazarus was still unusable at that time. It's great if it works now + M1/M2 support.

I don't remember all details anymore but, when we compared optimizations, the C++ compiler from Visual Studio was able to utilize SSE/SIMD instructions to speed up some code while Delphi and Free Pascal couldn't. Also great if it works better now.


https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStud ... embly_Code

I haven't tried it, but looks interesting...


I am using the built-in assembler in both Delphi and FPC to write my DSP assembler/SSE/AVX2 code for ages (AVX2 on FPC only as Delphi still doesn't support AVX2 instructions, maybe the latest version do, I don't know, I am not using it). But this doesn't have anything to do with the compiler optimizations of high-level Delphi/Pascal code.


Just start to try to make some simple audio related software with Lazarus. I am in the information collection phase now. Trying to find out the Lazarus audio dev libs and curious to know what existing audio/music apps built by Lazarus/Delphi to understand its capability.

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