Clip launcher "navigation"

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I'm new to Bitwig... trying to figure out how to implement a foot controller to navigate around the clip launcher, launch the active clip, activate / de-activate record... that sort of thing.

I got pretty close with Ableton to achieving what I wanted - the open source Clyphx scripts have it fairly well covered with a 'FOCMAIN' command which focuses the main window, then simple LEFT RIGHT UP DOWN commands which do exactly what the keyboard arrow keys would do [this also works even if Abelton is not the active window, which is really useful). Only problem there was the lack of certain other functions impossible to be addressed via API (which isn't public anyway so has to be reverse-engineered from existing controller scripts... which is what led me to Bitwig.

I have Moss extension installed and have been looking at the OSC script and the Generic Flexi as possible solutions (for the moment I'm trying to set up a FCB1010 foot controller, but eventually intend to build a custom box).

So far, I'm not seeing anything specific to navigating around the clip launcher in the way described above... it seems it's more focused on launching individual clips on midi input than navigating and choosing the active clip. I've also had a brief look at the API, but it's a bit of a needle-in-a-haystack situation - not knowing if I'm putting in the right keywords.

Just wondered if anyone with a bit more experience could tell me if what I'm trying to do is possible, and if so - where to look for the functions?


...a bit further down the rabbit hole now. Seems I spoke too soon in dismissing Ableton's API... or rather unofficial APIs, I've found quite a bit more on that score and it's looking hopeful...
On the other hand, I've been searching the Bitwig API for something that might give me clip launcher navigation and not quite finding what I'm looking for. There are some "maybes" but nothing that jumps out. One ray of hope is that the APC40 Mk2 script has "clip launcher - scroll by page (horizontal/vertical)" which sounds like the sort of thing I want, but would obviously have to be modified for a different controller.
A bit out of my depth at this point to be honest!


Have you looked into generic flexi? Pretty sure you can do all that there


You can also code this in javascript or java yourself. If you can figure out how to do this in ableton you can figure this out in bitwig.

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