Waldorf Kyra update

Anything about hardware musical instruments.


What a pity and a waste that Waldorf abandoned development of the Waldorf Kyra.

Such a promising machine, with immense potential that will never evolve.


Huh? Are you saying there was an update, or that it was discontinued? Waldorf still shows it as a product in their current lineup and it’s not on their list of discontinued products.
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


No update at all and apparently not ready to have one given the time since the last one.

When I talk about Waldorf abandoning the Kyra, it's because Waldorf no longer updates.

I'm just saying too bad because the Kyra was a promising machine.


Yeah, Kyra really screwed the pooch on this one. Could have been an alltime great. As it is, I quite like it, but it has many easily correctable flaws, (like one of the worst reverbs ever).


And the Kyra has been officially discontinued


A real waste from Waldorf.

Instead of having made a blue version, he would have done better to do the necessary for an update worthy of the name.

A machine with a lot of potential but abandoned.

The source code was released by Waldorf, but very little chance for evolution.

It could have been an evolution of the immense and unequaled Access Virus ti2.

Incidentally, regarding the Access Virus, in a well-known store in Europe, no longer in the catalog at all.

So, apparently apart from the stock versions in store, a priori, no more production.


Trancer wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 5:46 pmA real waste from Waldorf.
In all honesty, I was very surprised to see them take it on in the first place. Super risky to make a high-end boutique synth with a high price tag in the age of great quality plugins. Obviously there wasn’t zero market for it, but that market was small and quickly satisfied. From what I can tell, hardware fans are more likely to buy a bunch of Modwave or Cobalt priced synths than a large flagship.

I know we’re seeing a renaissance of hardware synthesizers, and there’s no one as exciting about it than me, but remember that they’re all competing with software. Some would rather gouge their eyes out than use software, but that’s probably a minority of people who use use synthesizers. Even someone like me who’s got 7 (and 2 for sale) hardware synthesizers, only one is all digital, and it only works for me because it’s got a polyphonic aftertouch keyboard and I’m addicted to that. I didn’t hear anything particularly interesting or exciting from the Kyra that I didn’t have covered with software, and that means a space for something that I do feel more connected to.
Zerocrossing Media

4th Law of Robotics: When turning evil, display a red indicator light. ~[ ●_● ]~


Thank you for your reply.

Yes risk indeed.

There are excellent vst, much cheaper it's clear.

But at some point, there is a return to the sources that does this.

Having hardware is much different than managing everything in a box with a master keyboard and controllers.

I'm not criticizing at all, I still have an armada of vst and plugins, but the virtual at some point got a little tired of me to tell the truth, I wanted to experience something else musically and I find it with hardware.

The Kyra must have been some sort of Virus 3.

Unfortunately Waldorf has simply ruined the future of this synth.

It is certain that if there is no update with a machine which is quite expensive and which can be improved, it is logical that there is a lack of interest in the product.

Apparently Waldorf would have released the code, maybe there will be a developer who will do something about it, but since no more Kyra production, I doubt it.

Given that at first glance more Viruses produced and whatever the model, absent from the catalog of a well-known brand on the web, there are only stock models left in other brands, apparently, it feels like the end.

No official news of course, but it doesn't bode well when a maker's mark is removed from a catalog.


This was all just a giant train wreck for Waldorf.
I’ll probably never buy another instrument from them. I will, however, stick with my Quantum and Kyra.


You have two very good machines.

Too bad the Kyra has not evolved.

Precisely, concerning the latter, your opinion interests me concerning its reliability, as painful as it has used (bugs, others)?


Now when it is discontinued the prices likely drop steeply. At what price do you think it is worth picking up with its current state of flaws?


I wouldn't throw any of my money away for a bug-ridden Virus wannabe that was never finished and was discontinued after the developer left the company (except to buy one cheap and flip it for a profit). Just buy a Virus, which is also discontinued now, but has a long standing track record as a quality synth.

But, also worth mentioning is that the secondhand prices on Kyra have not exactly plummeted, but have actually gone up and they have become pretty scarce. The prices on used Viruses have also gone up in the past month since it was finally "officially" announced that it is discontinued.
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


cryophonik wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 4:20 pm I wouldn't throw any of my money away for a bug-ridden Virus wannabe that was never finished and was discontinued after the developer left the company (except to buy one cheap and flip it for a profit).
Not to mention that it sounds a hundred times worse than the Virus.

Disclaimer: That one reflects my personal opinion on it, and should not be confused with a general and binding assessment.


As a hw buyer, I find "development" of hw synths a bit of a foregone lose-lose situation anyway. When I buy a synth, I don't expect to buy a newer version of it unless it's way down the track such as Wavestation to Wavestate. Most hw synths are a big outlay, so I'm not going to just drop thousands on the newest model. I'd rather spend those thousands on another synth entirely. Development of the system that can be downloaded is a nice-to-have but not anything in mind when I originally buy it. TBH that smacks of sw sales psychology which for me doesn't apply to hw.

There'll be a market for hw buyers to upgrade but I suspect it's incredibly small. E.g. Korg updated Opsix and Wavestate to mk2 and larger/better keybeds but I really doubt many bought them who already bought the mk1 versions. They're more likely to be new customers. And if a hw synth is going to be updated and I know I'm going to have to pay for it in advance...it puts me off the original purchase. Why spend thousands on something you know is going to be outdated in a short time? I just don't think "development" of hw synths is anything most hw buyers consider. I never have. I'm more likely to apply that mentality to sw, not hw. :shrug:


kritikon wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:27 pm As a hw buyer, I find "development" of hw synths a bit of a foregone lose-lose situation anyway. When I buy a synth, I don't expect to buy a newer version of it unless it's way down the track such as Wavestation to Wavestate. Most hw synths are a big outlay, so I'm not going to just drop thousands on the newest model. I'd rather spend those thousands on another synth entirely. Development of the system that can be downloaded is a nice-to-have but not anything in mind when I originally buy it. TBH that smacks of sw sales psychology which for me doesn't apply to hw.

There'll be a market for hw buyers to upgrade but I suspect it's incredibly small. E.g. Korg updated Opsix and Wavestate to mk2 and larger/better keybeds but I really doubt many bought them who already bought the mk1 versions. They're more likely to be new customers. And if a hw synth is going to be updated and I know I'm going to have to pay for it in advance...it puts me off the original purchase. Why spend thousands on something you know is going to be outdated in a short time? I just don't think "development" of hw synths is anything most hw buyers consider. I never have. I'm more likely to apply that mentality to sw, not hw. :shrug:
I feel you are mostly right here. I remember the days when Kurzweil added features and improovements to their VAST in the k2000 line on an almost monthly basis. But after that the story have been mostly disappointing with many synths never getting any updates to flaws and bugs. Elektron seems so be better and update their gear from what I hear.

One good thing about hardware is that you always got the right to sell it to somebody else and get some of your money back which is often not the case with instruments in the digital domain.

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