Feature Request

Official support for: acondigital.com
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I just bought Acoustica, because of the upcoming Ara2 Integration. I am really looking forward for this Feature! I was impressed by the Reverb and the overall quality of all the plugins.

However i would be happy to see some kind of leveler tool like the one in RX. This together with Ara2 would be a big time saver for me.

Kind Regards


nameofthemonth wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:08 am I just bought Acoustica, because of the upcoming Ara2 Integration. I am really looking forward for this Feature! I was impressed by the Reverb and the overall quality of all the plugins.
Thanks, I'm very glad to hear that!
nameofthemonth wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:08 am However i would be happy to see some kind of leveler tool like the one in RX. This together with Ara2 would be a big time saver for me.
I've added this feature request to the task tracking system. We won't get this into the upcoming version 7.4 with ARA support, but it would probably be a good match with the plans we have for version 7.5.


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