Problems with Synthmaster Player 2.9 presets when reloading song

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I'm using Ableton Live Standard and in one particular song, I have 10 session tracks set up, each with a different Synthmaster preset. When I save and close the song, upon re-opening it, the sound for each of these tracks is different in some way from the actual sound -- it's not distorted or anything, just a weird variation of the preset sound. I have to bring up the Synthmaster user interface for each track and simply re-select the preset for it to sound correctly again. This has always been the case with SMP 2.9, but now that I've got 10 tracks to fix every time I load a song, it's really a pain. I use several other VST plugins and it only ever happens with Synthmaster Player, and consistently so. Any ideas for a fix, please?
MGC: Michael


mgc2865 wrote: Sat Mar 13, 2021 7:07 pm I'm using Ableton Live Standard and in one particular song, I have 10 session tracks set up, each with a different Synthmaster preset. When I save and close the song, upon re-opening it, the sound for each of these tracks is different in some way from the actual sound -- it's not distorted or anything, just a weird variation of the preset sound. I have to bring up the Synthmaster user interface for each track and simply re-select the preset for it to sound correctly again. This has always been the case with SMP 2.9, but now that I've got 10 tracks to fix every time I load a song, it's really a pain. I use several other VST plugins and it only ever happens with Synthmaster Player, and consistently so. Any ideas for a fix, please?
Did you try to delete Documents / SynthMasterPlayer / Config / SynthmasterPlayerConfig file and try again?


Hi Gercek,

I tried your suggestion and reloaded Ableton Live and the song which uses the Synthmaster Player presets, and the problem persists. Part of the issue is that the preset sounds are also much louder than they would normally be, not just different. In the attachment, you can see two tracks (# 3 and 4) that would normally be well below the clipping mark, but they exceed the limits here. Again, if I bring up the SM Player interface, just clicking on the preset selected for the track fixes the problem. :?

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MGC: Michael


MGC: Michael


This sounds exactly like the problem I have with Synthmaster player.

I've recently bought Synthmaster 2.9 and was hoping it wouldn't have the same issues as Synthmaster player. I'm yet to use Synthmaster 2.9 on a project so I'm not sure if this will happen with my 2.9 as well.

With Synthmaster player, I save a project in Studio One, and when I open the project again, some of the Synthmaster player presets sound strange. I have to re select the presets so they sound ok again.

I've contacted support about Synthmaster player and they've sent the issue to their developers.

Sorry this isn't a message of solution, I just thought sharing my experiences would let you know you're not the only one with this issue. :)


Thanks, LeeHR! I really appreciate knowing I'm not the only one with this issue, and it's nice to get some sort of feedback on this forum. I was just getting used to the sound of crickets. :)
MGC: Michael


I'm glad I could be of some help. :)

My plan as a short term fix is to bounce the audio down once I've found a preset I'm going to use.

I have projects on the go which contain some problematic presets. This is the safest way I can think of to make sure the audio is decent on release.

I've put a song I'm mixing to one side because of this issue. The song has mostly SM Player presets in.

I mixed it. Clicked on one of the presets and all the middle dropped out of the sound. What I thought wasn't a problematic preset turned out to be one and I felt I'd be chasing my tail until the issue is sorted.

The only way I can think of using these presets in my work confidently, is if I bounce them. I haven't tried it yet but I'd imagine bouncing the track while the preset sounds right will use the correct sounding audio.


Thanks again, and your workaround sounds like a great idea. I still wish this bug would be fixed -- it would make our lives a lot less complicated. Cheers! :)
MGC: Michael


Hi guys,

We will try to solve this issue with our developer on April. Sorry but I could not reproduce the issue. Thank you for your patience.

All the best


Hi Gercek and thanks for the update. Basically, to reproduce the issue:

1) Load one or more SM Player VST instruments/presets as session tracks in Ableton Live. You can also load non SM Player VSTs.
2) Create a simple midi recording for that/those instrument preset(s), ensuring its/their level(s) doesn't/don't clip.
3) Save the song project.
4) Quit Ableton Live.
5) Relaunch Ableton Live.
6) Reload the song project you just saved.
7) Play the song project.

The SM Player track(s) will sound louder (often clipping) and it/they will sound different (hard to explain -- often a tinnier, odd version of the preset) than the auditioned version. This persists until you reopen the SM Player interface for every track in which it appears and just re-select the same preset again. This happens 100% consistently for me, not randomly nor sporadically, and it's very frustrating to have to reinitialise every SM Player track to sound correct again.

I hope this helps your developer fix this soon. Thanks.

MGC: Michael


mgc2865 wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 11:39 am Hi Gercek and thanks for the update. Basically, to reproduce the issue:

1) Load one or more SM Player VST instruments/presets as session tracks in Ableton Live. You can also load non SM Player VSTs.
2) Create a simple midi recording for that/those instrument preset(s), ensuring its/their level(s) doesn't/don't clip.
3) Save the song project.
4) Quit Ableton Live.
5) Relaunch Ableton Live.
6) Reload the song project you just saved.
7) Play the song project.

The SM Player track(s) will sound louder (often clipping) and it/they will sound different (hard to explain -- often a tinnier, odd version of the preset) than the auditioned version. This persists until you reopen the SM Player interface for every track in which it appears and just re-select the same preset again. This happens 100% consistently for me, not randomly nor sporadically, and it's very frustrating to have to reinitialise every SM Player track to sound correct again.

I hope this helps your developer fix this soon. Thanks.

Hi Michael,

Thank you very much for your detailed information. I followed exactly what you said, but when I open the ableton again, there is not the slightest change in my player voices. Presets stay the same. This is the hardest part for us. If we are unable to reproduce the problem, it is difficult for us to solve it. Is there a chance for those who have these problems to send me a video?

All the best


I've done a short video for you, as requested. The two tracks displayed in the video both feature SM Player presets. Besides the sounds being wrong upon loading, they also climb in volume until they clip (the dB meters turns orange). I have to launch the SM Player interface in each case and re-select the same preset for it to re-load correctly.

This forum doesn't allow attaching video format files and it wouldn't let me post it as a Zip file either (too large). I hope you can see it on my Imgur account:

Thank you,
MGC: Michael



Have you had any reply on this?

I've sent another video of the issue and an email and I've had no response.

I have 2 projects I'm reluctant to finish as they use these presets heavily.

I'm still waiting for a solution, some feedback or any kind of update from them.

The lack of communication has become extremely frustrating.




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Hey I have something similar with Ableton 10 Lite.

In fact, ever since I bought Synthmaster last month, there's never been a bug-free session, and I'm thoroughly disappointed with the purchase.

Presets sound different after moving irrelevant knobs, sound glitching out and peaking at 46 db (not minus), triangle waves turning into squiggly lines which reset after reselecting them...

A couple of hours ago I sat down with Synthmaster to try and replicate a bassline. I have two absolutely identical sines that sound 1-4 semitones apart! The number of semitones varies when I try to reset them by reloading the preset and turning the knobs back to default position, but they're never in unison. This is infuriating.

Here I'm trying to capture some screenshots, and the "Load Random" button is not working! Is this some kind of an exclusive 50 dollar alpha-test? ( (

These are the two sine waves. They're identical, are they not? But my ears say they are currently a semitone apart. The "Coarse tune" knob says +64, 0 semitones for both. But sometimes the knob is at 12 o'clock, but it says -2 octaves? What?

I can init preset and create two sine waves from scratch and this works, for some reason. But trying to salvage my own preset doesn't?

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