Contest: Win a free ValhallaDSP plugin of your choice



In celebration of the release of Valhalla Space Modulator, I am going to start a little contest giving one lucky winner a free Valhalla DSP plugin of their choice (Valhalla Vintage Verb, Valhalla Plate, Valhalla Room, Valhalla Shimmer, or Valhalla ÜberMod). The rules are as follows:
  • Send me a PM to enter the contest.
  • Entries must be submitted before 11:59pm (Pacific time) July 5th.
  • I will give you an entry number as a PM in reply. This will start at 1 and increment every time someone sends me a PM asking to enter.
  • On Wednesday July 6, I will go to the page ... bol=599362 and get the Dow Jones industry average at close for 7/06/2016.
  • I will take the Dow number and multiply it by 100. For example, the Dow today was 17,780.83, so the number I would use if the Dow closes with that number on July 6 would be 1,778,083.
  • I will take that number (e.g. 1,778,083) and divide it by the number of people who have entered the contest. This is grade school division with remainder: For example, if seven people have entered the contest, 1,778,083 divided by 7 is 254,011 remainder 6.
  • I will add one to the remainder, which is 7 in this example.
  • This resulting number will be the contest winner.
  • You can not cancel your entry once you enter.
The reason I am holding this contest is because I want to give Sean/ValhallaDSP more money. Sean’s plugins are so good, he really deserves to have his own private ValhallaDSP Lear Jet and take weekly trips to the Caribbean from all the money he gets from people buying his plugins. I can’t buy him a Lear Jet, but, since I have already bought all of the ValhallaDSP plugins, including Audio Damage Eos (even though I actually only use one algorithm in VVV — Smooth Random — for my music right now), this contest lets me reward Sean for releasing ValhallaSpaceModulator (VSM) by buying one more ValhallaDSP license and letting one lucky person get a chance to get one of his excellent plugins.

So, if you’re interested, send me a PM. I will announce the winner in early July, but people should be able to calculate it as soon as the Dow closes on July 6 (((dow * 100) % number_of_entries) + 1). I will post follow-ups telling people how many people have entered.
Sam Trenholme — Software developer, electronic musician — Listen to my music:


Cool! :) PM

I have VVV and Ubermod...
I immediately thought of Valhalla Plate if I would win! :hyper:

Good luck! :D


:o :clap: :clap:

I'm in :tu:


I am in to :) I have Ubermod, VVV and Shimmer. I would like to have the plate as well 8) ..but with my luck I probably will buy it the normal way :D Thanks for arranging this :clap:
Win 10 -64bit, CPU i7-7700K, 32Gb, Focusrite 2i2, FL-studio 20, Studio One 4, Reason 10


So far, I have 18 entries. I encourage every one to buy ValhallaDSP plugins and give Sean lots of money; he really deserves his own private Learjet and to take baths in Perrier every day. Should the winner already have all of the ValhallaDSP plugins, I will give them 24 hours to choose the winning number; I will use the closing Dow for the next day if they don’t choose one.
Sam Trenholme — Software developer, electronic musician — Listen to my music:


So far, 23 entries. I’ll keep people updated.
Sam Trenholme — Software developer, electronic musician — Listen to my music:


So far, I have 30 entries, and the contest has another week before entries are closed (no entries after 11:59 pm on July 5, Pacific Time)
Sam Trenholme — Software developer, electronic musician — Listen to my music:


Right now I have 34 entries. While no one has done this with this contest, there is a scene near the end of a 1980s movie where a smart person wins a truckful of prizes by entering a contest a zillion times. That in mind, one entry per KVR user :)
Sam Trenholme — Software developer, electronic musician — Listen to my music:


36 entries so far. Contest closes at 11:59pm July 5, Pacific Time.
Sam Trenholme — Software developer, electronic musician — Listen to my music:


Kudos to you! :D


Sent PM. I have VVV, UberMod and VRoom. Lets see if I get Plate or not :-D
satYatunes - Sound and Graphic Designer
Beautiful UI and skins for VST plugins.
Website | Portfolio


49 entries so far. The submission deadline is in just over two more hours.

Edit: My clock says 9:56pm. When it says midnight, no more submissions will be accepted.
Sam Trenholme — Software developer, electronic musician — Listen to my music:


Not sure if I was in time.
Probably not :(


OK, Lazylefteye and another last minute entry made it in time. Entries are now closed; we have 52 total entries.

I will announce the winner tomorrow evening Pacific time; about 22-24 hours after this post. More adventurous people may wish to use tomorrow’s Dow to calculate the winning number when the Dow closes tomorrow before I formerly announce the winner.
Sam Trenholme — Software developer, electronic musician — Listen to my music:


The Dow closed today at 17,918.62

17918.62 * 100 (multiplied by 100) is 1791862

We had 52 entries.

1791862 divided by 52 is 34458 remainder 46

46 + 1 is 47

Entry #47 was from pekbro. I just sent him a PM telling him he won, asking him which plugin he wants as the prize.

I thank everyone for their entries. I will run a contest like this again if ValhallaDSP were to:
  • Make an update to Valhalla Room to have the electric blue theme talked about in January.
  • Add one or more algorithms to Valhalla Vintage Verb as a free update
  • Add one or more algorithms to Valhalla Plate as a free update
If ValhallaDSP were to do all three, I would run three more contests.
Sam Trenholme — Software developer, electronic musician — Listen to my music:


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