Mixer Geek Questions for Jorgen

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Hi there All,

Being a pro mixer, I'm a bit of a nut about knowing at least some of the summing maths going on inside XTSA. Don't get me wrong, I'm no DSP geek but I have learnt the hard way that all digital aint created equal, so here is few things I would love to know the answer to. I couldn't find the answers anywhere..

1. What is the internal headroom of XTs mixer? IE. How many signals peakin at 0dbfs can it take?
2. What is the latency on digital thruput, straight from in to out? I understand that this is partially determined by buffer settings, but is it otherwise consistent? Can I expect the same latency everytime I press play on my external DAW?
3. Does XT adjust for plug in latency?
4. Does XT control wordclock for digital io, or is this entirely handled by ASIO?
5. What is the internal resolution of XTs processing? 32bit FP? 48bit?
6. Is any dither applied anywhere in the signal chain?

The main reason I would love to kow this stuff is because I am using XT to host external processors for my main DAW. Any inconsistencies in latency and clocking make some things impossible... Any answers would be much appreciated!



dawkab wrote:3. Does XT adjust for plug in latency?
this would be a killer feature for me personally. Before I had xt working stable in logic audio, the sequencer inside xt was still being worked out, I had made alot of little xt (SA) files full of vsts running off of multiple arps (some with no notes but just cc automation going into the midi input of vstis)

these little instances of xt unfortunately only sounds cool when they're playing by themselves. throw them into a sequencer enviroment (bounced to wav or not) and the plugin latency from spectral morphing types of plugins makes the bounced audio sound out of sync with anything i toss in later.

I hear the workaround for this is called "plugin delay compensation" and even though im not sure if that's the correct term that would resolve this issue, it sounds like that's what the problem is.

I think it would be fixed by almost inserting more latency into the vsti(s) so that even tho there's more of a delay when using a midi controller to trigger, at least what is bounced to audio is synchable with other shit as long as it's at the same bpm.

Maybe a workaround like this already exists somewhere, but if it does lemme know cause it's a bit creatively frustrating for me at this moment. thanks!


Some kind of dispaly of number of samples of delay incurred per plugin would be a great intial step. It took digidesign years and years to impliment delay compensation in their tdm stuff, but you could work around it because all channels displayed the number of samples of delay, and the bussing and IO delay was fixed..,I understand if these issues are non-essential for the heart of XTs function, and XT certainly rocks anyway without them, but it would certainly benefit the standalone version of XT....



1) xt clips audio signal if out of range
2) yup, latency is the audio buffer setting
3) not yet, but's on the list. not top priority at the moment though.
4) no wordclock in xt
5) 32bit fp, but no big deal for me to change in the future
6) no dithering anywhere

Half developer half human
XT Software


Thanks Jorgen

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