Save Crashes Ableton

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Hi, I recently purchased Cream and I'm having issues saving presets. I try to save and Ableton crashes. Presets not saved either.

Is this not an issue with the User preset location?

Could we not have the option to put user presets where we want on Osx?

I am logged in as Admin, on Mountain Lion, so I wouldn't expect any issues.

This is an unusual place to put user presets on Osx.

Can we add folders easily or not aswell?

Any ideas as I can't wait to use this baby in my productions!!



Just to clarify, I'm not logged in as admin on osx (this is not recommended in osx).

I'm using the latest Ableton Live version 9.5. I'm using the vst version of Cream. Cream version 1.2.3.

In the Cream manual it says the presets are located at /Library/Audio/Presets/Kirnu folder.

I found them in /Library/Application Support/Kirnu folder.

On installation I only get the choice to install for all users.

Come on guys this should be easy compared to the complexity of the plug-in.



Hey Arto, thanks for the new version, it's working perfectly now, thanks for the quick response. Great plug-in! :D


Hi - I'm having the exact same issue. Where can I download a version that saves w/o crashing?


The fix will be available in the next version.
If you want it in advance please contact us.


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