SEM-V Presets Location on Windows?

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Hey all... I am just about ready to release the newest Waveformless Soundware patch set, this time for Arturia's wonderful SEM-V. I'm currently writing up my docs and am having trouble locating a specific bit of into... namely, what is the path that presets are saved under Windows (I am on a Mac). For example, on Mac, the file path is: Macintosh HD/Library/Arturia/Oberheim SEM-V/Preset Library/User/

Can anyone help me with what the equivalent path is on Windows?


unfortunately, the folder is not the same depending the version of the OS.

I will PM you how to find it.



Hi be warned that if you made the presets in the latest Mac version (1.1.5) it is out of sync with the Windows version which is still at 1.1.3. As a consequence you might find that some Windows purchasers will have problems installing the bank (namely that the sounds install but won't load). I found this out recently with one of the people who bought my SEMblance bank and he is being very patient while Arturia sort it out (they are taking their time unfortunately). I have had to stop actively promoting my bank until this is fixed which is a real pain.


I will check to know when it is planed to release a Windows update.
Are you in touch with somebody at Arturia?
If yes, can you tell me who?


Hi - David through support but I also emailed Nathalie, Mike and Frederick about it back at the beginning of March but didn't get a response.


Kevin - another point I made to your people was that it is currently possible to save individual patches as well as banks, but no facility to load them again (unless perhaps they put them in the user folder). There really should be a file menu.


Ok, I will check with the guy in charge of the SEM when the update will be available for Windows.


ok, I checked with the Adrien (who is in charge of SEM V), a new version 1.1.6 is currently under testing and should be available soon.
Let me know if you want to try the beta.



Hi thanks - no I will wait as what I need is for users to have the updated version more than me so they can load my patches (unless the beta makes banks compatible with Windows 1.1.3 again).


Any ETA on this?


Hopefully next week.


I hope so - any longer and I will have to refund Windows users who have bought my bank and can't load it - it's been over a month and that is lost sales.


Still no update?


Still under testing. :(


Can't the user specify a folder where user patches are to be saved?!? That would be quite ridiculous for a 100-dollar synth. Even some free synths offer flexible patch management. How do you make a backup of patches when you don't even know where they are?

I was thinking of getting SEM as it really sounds nice, but such issues would be a dealbreaker for me...

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