TX16Wx 2.0 Beta 15 Available (2012-10-19)

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Hello all.

A new beta drop is now available for download from http://www.tx16wx.com.

This release fixes a number of nasty glitches and memory leaks, mainly in importers and graphics subsystem.

Most users should find this version quite a bit more snappy to work with. Also included are some of the most requested feature additions.

  • Fixed memory leaks in graphics subsystem
  • Fixed memory leaks in sound item handling and Sound font import
  • Fixed sampling setting root key in new sample when auto detect pitch off
  • Fixed saving sound items not creating paths relative places list
  • Fixed SF2 import generating bad loop assignments with broken sound fonts
  • Fixed jumping window size in sample editor when sampler panel was hidden/shown
  • Fixed Ctrl-click in slot/group/split/wave/split widgets deselecting list item
  • Fixed up/down buttons in wave/loop list double trigger
  • Fixed graphics update issue when moving cross fade handles
  • Fixed crash when using keyboard mapper context menu "edit wave"
  • Fixed trim not updating sample view zoom
  • Fixed cross fade controls being drawn incorrectly on XP
  • Added swap L<->R in sample editor
  • Added convert Mono<->Stereo in sample editor
  • Made top panel more compact and VU meters clearer
  • Keyboard mapper and split list item now opens file chooser for samples on double click
  • UI now uses hardware acceleration on Windows 7 when available
  • UI now independent of GDI+ on Windows 7
  • Added volume boost / dampen tool in sample editor
  • Improved VU meter accuracy
  • Sample editor and keyboard mapper now uses indicates selection zones with cursor highlighting
  • Added command to create new waves from slices
  • File sizes in file browser are now more accurate
  • Improved selecting groups and splits in keyboard mapper
Happy sampling

TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Thank you !


Once again, thanks man! I've barely time to catch my breath and there you stand with a new version. You're tops.


Nice updates!

I'd suggest one slight naming change - AllPass filter "mode" doesn't really behave like an allpass filter. It's better to call it Bypass instead, because it seems that's all it does.

Allpass filter (by definition) doesn't filter frequencies, but changes the phase of the input signal.


By the way, I just tried the SEQ, and I don't think it works correctly.

First, I set it to Tempo. It doesn't react to DAW tempo changes (Reaper here).

Second, as a consequence of that, probably, the step rate values in tempo sync mode are totally wrong. I thought that setting it to 1/16 would make each STEP that long (as this seems very intuitive to me). However, it seems like it sets 1/16 as length of the whole one cycle of the SEQ? Dunno... Sequencers elsewhere don't really work that way IIRC.


EvilDragon wrote:By the way, I just tried the SEQ, and I don't think it works correctly.

First, I set it to Tempo. It doesn't react to DAW tempo changes (Reaper here).

Second, as a consequence of that, probably, the step rate values in tempo sync mode are totally wrong. I thought that setting it to 1/16 would make each STEP that long (as this seems very intuitive to me). However, it seems like it sets 1/16 as length of the whole one cycle of the SEQ? Dunno... Sequencers elsewhere don't really work that way IIRC.
You've just alerted me to a rather embarrassing bug. The step LFO:s do indeed not update rate with tempo, only the normal LFO:s do. Thank you.

I've made a "silent" fix for this and replaced the available installers with fixed ones. No version bump, but build number should be
x64 : 2.0.1293.376
Win32 : 2.0.1293.377

As for the rate of step lfos. It is of course a matter of opinion, but they are LFO:s, thus the rate being one cycle does seem (to me) the most logical. I can see you point once the modulator can also act as a single cycle (i.e envelope) modulator, but while running as an LFO, no.
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


When zooming, the image will disappear at certain turns of the mouse wheel, then reappear.


elcallio wrote:As for the rate of step lfos. It is of course a matter of opinion, but they are LFO:s, thus the rate being one cycle does seem (to me) the most logical. I can see you point once the modulator can also act as a single cycle (i.e envelope) modulator, but while running as an LFO, no.
It makes it really hard to calculate, say I need a 32 step sequence in 16th notes to match with the rest of my song. Logically I would set the sequencer rate to 1/16 in that case. Kontakt works like that, too. This is making it a lot harder.


EvilDragon wrote:
elcallio wrote:As for the rate of step lfos. It is of course a matter of opinion, but they are LFO:s, thus the rate being one cycle does seem (to me) the most logical. I can see you point once the modulator can also act as a single cycle (i.e envelope) modulator, but while running as an LFO, no.
It makes it really hard to calculate, say I need a 32 step sequence in 16th notes to match with the rest of my song. Logically I would set the sequencer rate to 1/16 in that case. Kontakt works like that, too. This is making it a lot harder.
While I still don't agree about it being hard to deal with, how about I add a special sync mode for the steppers: "Beat", that adjusts rate so that a step == sync denominator (1/4, 1/16 etc). That way you can still use the seq as an lfo and treat #steps as resolution, and you can use it easier as an aggrepiator too.
What do you think?
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


That would be perfect and VERY appreciated from my side!



since the version 13 worked quite good the version 15 (x64) does not react on mouse-clicks (e.g. Browser and most other items). The audio-quality seems very poor compared with the v 13.



Cannot reach your website. Seems it is down.

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