String Vibrato & LFO

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Just bought String today, and I'm really enjoying it. I love its simplicity, but I have one little request or suggestion: how about giving Vibrato its own Rate control, independent from the LFO? Wheel Scale would still apply to Vibrato Depth; that works perfectly. What do you think?


Added to the features request list. I can't think of any technical reasons this can't be done, although we've had a few requests for LFO/Modulation improvements so I'm not quite sure what direction we'll take this. I think it would make a nice addition, so thanks for the suggestion.

(As an aside, this likely won't make it into the forthcoming release - String 1.1 - which is more or less feature complete and about to enter testing, but it's certainly something we'll take a look at for the inevitable 1.2.)

Thanks for your purchase!
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


That sounds great -- thanks! Looking forward to 1.1 (and 1.2)...

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