Bela D (Official Website)

Sampler and Sampling discussion (techniques, tips and tricks, etc.)


In addition, feel free to contact us if you are interested in to being considered for the "featured composer" section.

Thank you,
Dawn :)


Last edited by Sequent on Fri Oct 03, 2003 11:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Dawn, welcome to KVR! I saw the announcement of your product on Harmony-Central and have been to your page. Really like the little snippet of mp3 demo that I heard. Fantastico!!!

I'm planning on becoming a customer within the end of the month.

BTW, also looking forward to the male collection too.


The official website is where?


Thank you very much :)

DIVA Official demo #2 and #3 will be posted shortly.

Angel's Lament and The Wood Nymph composed by, Rob Elliott.

#4 coming soon by Doyle Donehoo

#5 coming soon by Ty Unwin (BBC composer)

If you have been to the site ... you may have read about, Voci? We have plans to record the first boys and girls choir :)

Bela D


:D just ordered my 1.1 so.. when it arrives I'll do you a demo..

fingers crossed you'll like it.. then maybe i can be a feature one :D


Hope to see you there :)



fitch wrote::D just ordered my 1.1 so.. when it arrives I'll do you a demo..

fingers crossed you'll like it.. then maybe i can be a feature one :D
like anyone wouldn't like it.... :D


Hey iDavid :)

Let me turn off my "being the professional sample developer" button and say...

Get your *** on my website NOW.
Where is my photo and links to your work?

Okay, button back on.

Thank you and have a great day


Bela D Media

Button off again

ps. Guys, I have to tell you ... wait until you hear ANGELS LAMENT by Rob Elliott. The guy scares me.
This demo will answer many questions. It is all multisamples and the voices are way up in the mix.

Think Titanic!!

Bela D


I had a site and link and my stinking Mac crashed and lost EVERYTHING....

The web host I had use lost my music shortly after the death of my mac..

So, I got a PC and have been "learning" that.

Now, my system is up and everything is working and I haven't finsihed much in a while...

maybe I will tonight, maybe

Now, I have a back-up drive :?


A Mac crashed? No way! At the studio where I work...we run ProTools on a Mac and in 5 years, it has not crashed once. We have three PC's all running XP....

They crash more then a drummer with a bad attitude :)

Bela D


Bela D Media wrote:A Mac crashed? No way! At the studio where I work...we run ProTools on a Mac and in 5 years, it has not crashed once. We have three PC's all running XP....

They crash more then a drummer with a bad attitude :)
Yeah, even Protools can handle recording 1 track (mono) singers without crashing!



We do high-end corporate sound design/audio post.

The Mac is 5 years old and we run 24 tracks locked to picture ... never a crash.

I have been thinking about an IMac for my Bela D Media studio.

Bela D


I had been a "mac" guy from the start.

The crash could hve been my fault I suppose :roll:

Anyway, the PC was cheaper and faster, and I kind of like being one of the many for a change :lol:

My life has gotten busy, but I need to make more time for music.

we shall see :wink:


I'm on both Mac and PC and I can make them both crash at will! :D

Well, I'm exaggerating, of course, but my Mac here at work crashes pretty much at least once a day (G4). Once in a while, as an extra bonus I get the little bomb icon.

PC... well, I've gotten rather sick of the color blue...

For both platforms, it seems most of the time the crash is for a reason - bad drivers, whatever.

But the point of this thread is the diva disks...

I'm looking forward to checking out the new demos. The other demos that I heard may have been truncated, but they seemed to have a lot of music and only a little bit of the vocal. What I heard was fantastic though.

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