TubiLeSax previous tests

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Beta-Testing for the new VSTi - TubiLeSax - Saxophone Sampler and Synth emulation.

Read below before posting here!

Hello all, we are on the final phase of this new VST, and we would like to get some tests to be sure everything is place before releasing it.


The Beta-Testing will be closed to approved-members, and to a limited number of users. Don't post messages here asking where to download or how to be on the Beta-Testing.

Right now current list of users testing this synth is allready FULL, sorry.

About the Synth. There will be two versions for testing, one LITE file with less samples in a total of 2 Meg. And a FULL version with 4 SoundSets in a total of 20 Meg. So be sure to have a fast connection.

You can check more by the screen on the synth features. But is mostly an Saxophone emulation with vibrato, reverber, chorus, body, air and key sounds, glider, 3 mono-types.

Also, the plug is open to new SoundSets. So once we release it, depending on the ammount of requestes, we can sample and include more samples easly. Thanxs to the new SoundSets .DASHsnd file format. You can have hundreds of new SoundSets.

Regards, WilliamK
Last edited by WilliamK on Sat Aug 09, 2003 12:48 am, edited 4 times in total.


For the guys who allready started testing the synth out. Tomorrow I will upload a set of Scale .TXT files to test MicroTuning.

Also, a manual should follow soon too. For now you can pretty much understand what does what, if not, just ask me out. ;)

Happy testing, and thanxs for supporting our work.

Best Regards, WilliamK


I've had fun so far. After crashing a Cubasis InWired session a couple time and crashing Synth Edit several times, I finally got to the point where I could enter the serial number into Tubi.

Then whenever I tried to click on the "edit" button that would normally pop up the VSTI's GUI, the host would crash. It didn't matter if I used Cubasis InWired or Synth Edit. It would always crash. Cubasis InWired would not give very detailed error messages, but Synth Edit would give verbose error messages and leave entries in my FaultLog.txt file.

I'll paste a section of my FaultLog.txt file later in this message, in case it helps you out. Let me know if you don't want me to do this in the future.


I finally did manage to use Tubi's GUI, and to get some nice sax sounds, but it took a bit of fiddling around.

I have a demo copy of the Yamaha sequencer SOL2, which accepts VSTi instruments. The first couple times I tried Tubi in SOL2, the host crashed. I think it crashed one time on initialization, and once when I tried to view the Tubi GUI. Somehow I managed to get it stable eventually and not crash.

Once I managed to get Tubi stable on SOL2, I tried playing a MIDI track with it. The sound was very garbled and intermittent. I tried to lower the sample rate of the host from 48 kHz to 22 kHZ, that helped a little, but the notes were still very garbled. I then switched from ASIO to MME drivers. I was then able to play smoothly, but of course, with the reduced bandwidth imposed by the 22kHz sample rate. I then learned that if I set my latency higher, I could return to higher sample rates and everything played smoothly. The odd thing is I never had to do all this with other VSTi's before. I always used ASIO drivers and either 48 or 44.1 kHz with other VSTis.

I'm going to change the latency and driver settings in my other hosts and see if that helps anything. I'll let you know how it turns out.

For anyone reading this who is curious about how TubiLeSax sounds, it does sound nice.

Finally, here are my system specs:

OS: Win98SE

CPU: Athlon 1800+ XP

RAM: 256 Meg PC133 SDRAM

Soundcard: Diamond MX-300 (Aureal 2 chipset)

Drivers: ASIO DirectX, and MME

1) Steinberg Cubasis InWired
2) SynthEdit
3) Yamaha SOL2 Demo

(I should mention that the SOL2 demo is something I found via a link published in a news group. The help file and documentation are Japanese, and I don't speak Japanese. I might not have this particular host optimally configured, but then again, it was the only one that worked for me so far. I intend to try other hosts ASAP.)

Also, I might be changing sound cards in the future. I know the MX-300 isn't the best card for ASIO and VSTi work, but it has been stable for me and functioned well in the past. VST Hosts and plugins were never a big problem for the card, but it is a bit noisy, and while the latency isn't bad, it could certainly be better.



For the guys who allready started testing the synth out. Tomorrow I will upload a set of Scale .TXT files to test MicroTuning.
Will these be something that we could easily edit ourselves? I realize they're text files, but are they formatted in a fairly easy to understand manner?

I'm thinking of something like "Scala" tuning files. In case you aren't familar, here is where to read about and download a free copy of Scala:


It's something of a standard in the microtonal field.


Thanxs for so much test, but we are impressed by the problems you had with the VST, you are the first, since we were testing in another group the last week, and no one had problems. They tested on several hosts and machines. Here it works on CubaseSX, Fruit-Loops and OrionPro. SynthEdit is by far the most unstable VST Host, I know cause I used to test several VSTs (not just mine) on it.

About the Scala file format. We allready have a conversion tool that reads .scl files and outputs our own .txt format, we will release it soon.

The .txt files can be easly edited. Just keep the 12 lines format. Each line is a cents value for the micro-tuning. More information about this will follow soon.

Best Regards, WilliamK


hi...sounds like an interesting vst but one thing..oot...is it gonna stay looking like that?...



I finally suceeded in getting Tubi to work with Cubasis InWired. I tried adjusting the ASIO driver settings before I loaded Tubi. After tweaking things for awhile, I managed to get either 44.1 or 48 kHz rates with either the "ASIO MME" setting, or the "ASIO DirectX" setting. I was unable to get any sound from any of the "ASIO DirectX Full-Duplex" settings.

I think the problem with "full duplex" probably reflects on my soundcard as much as anything.

Once I had Tubi working in Cubasis InWired, I only had a few problems pop up. Once, I tried to load a second instance of Tubi and it crashed the host. I shut the host down and restarted it. I tried the very same thing again, with the same file as before. It worked the second time! I have tried it again, and it still works. Tubi only failed to load multiple instances of itself that one time, and for what reason I haven't a clue.

There was also a moment where I had a midi file playing in a loop, while I added additional instances of Tubi. When I added additional Tubis, the pitch of the loop that was playing changed! I proceeded till I had four instances of Tubi loaded. The MIDI file was still playing at an altered pitch. I clicked on the "power" buttons next to each instance of Tubi, and shut them off one by one. I then clicked "stop" on the "transport" bar. I re-enabled the Tubis, and restarted the playback. Everything was back to normal pitch. I guess I shouldn't be switching on additional instances of Tubi while a file is actually playing, huh? :)

I never was able to repeat this behaviour, but if it becomes a pattern of some sort, I'll let you know.

Out of curiosity, do you think you will be adding a baritone to Tubi?



I bragged too soon, it would seem. Just after I emailed about getting Tubi to work in Cubasis InWired, I tried to close the Cubasis program which I had left running (but not playing anything) in the background of my computer.

Cubasis InWired gave me an error message, and absolutely refused to shut down. I had to hit Ctrl-Alt-Del and force it to close. The error message listed the name and path of a Cubasis Log File. I'll print a copy of what I found in the log file below:

I hope this log file is of some help. This file documents a handful of crashes involving Tubi. You will notice that it does mention Tubi in several places.

back to testing, :)


Question moved to a new thread.
Andreas (I presume my forefathers were apes)

Image Listen to some Monkey-Music


First Report:

Works like a charm on Fruity and Tracktion, just have some observations.

This is a great approach, mostly because the main problem with sampled instruments is on the legato, However when playing legato in TubiLeSax I can hear how the formants gets shifted as you move away from the original note.

A workaround for this is to use two samples (the original and the next played note) and morph them using crossfading. The Emagic new sampler (forgot it's name) use this technique to achieve smooth legatos and glissandos.

The alternate method is good, but is convincing only with short attack samples, it sounds good with Alto Sax 1 but not with Alto Sax 2 or Tenor Sax.

Aside of that, I don't see any problem, the plug works quite well.

Oh, and the GUI needs lotsa work IMO :)

BTW: I do play Alto Sax.


Matias wrote: Oh, and the GUI needs lotsa work IMO :)

BTW: I do play Alto Sax.
I'm not sure if the "lacquered brass" color that most saxophones are finished with would be an improvement or not. Personally, I prefer sliders to "knobs that work like sliders" (linear), but that's just me.

I'm not a beta tester, just an observer. But knowing this is coming was enough for me to postpone purchasing some Sonic Implants sax soundfonts.

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Hello guys, McLilith, thanxs for the long file-crash reports, but that info doesn't help me at all, sorry. I will do a new compilation just to test in your machine, maybe is a compiler bug, if so, I can contact the manufacturer of the compiler to get support (I'm allowed to)

About the smoth legato crossfade. Well, this is tricky, since I would have to create not just one crossfade, but several, since sometimes, when you play too fast, the crossfade could not be over and a new note is called. So I decided that for now, the legato stays on the same sample. I may work on that again latter, but for now it is less CPU instensive and works as good I guess. ;)

Regards, WilliamK


I hope someone will beta test on Sonar using both the Cakewalk wrapper and the DirectiXer wrapper.

Also, testing in Chainer and Console would be appreciated.




I use it in Chainer and works just fine


I also tested on Chainer and just now on Sonar 2.0 (Demo version) all without problems.


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