tau pro 'v' novation remote sl zero

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Hi there...

i bought Tau Pro a couple of weeks back and have just got round to creating an automap for it on the remote sl zero.

i want to assign the vco waves to a button to click though saw 1-5, sq 1-6 and sine, which equals 11 states (or max 10, min 0, step 1 in automap language)... when i do this it misses out the sine wave and loops back around. If I add a subsequent max value it repeats saw 1 twice, or misses out saw 5.

Is this expected behaviour? I couldn't find a pdf manual for the Tau Pro on line so I couldn't check for sure... nothing mentioned on this forum either.

I faced the same issue with the FX Mode (the last option is missed out) as a button too so I've set it up as a fader. (The Tau Pro doesn't like the transitions between types at all whilst playing a note).

(Also the sine wave displays as 'square6' on the remote).

Other than these minor points I'm very happy with the Tau Pro... sounds great and is simple to use. Instant inspiration! :)



The problem with VST parameters is that they are actually values in a fractional range from 0.0...1.0 to. How the plugin and the remote handle the rounding of these fractional values to map them to the MIDI 0..127 range might be different. I'm not sure if there's anything that can be done to fix that, you'd have to talk to novation to see if there's any deeper editing that you can do.

With regards to the user manual, its supplied in the package you were sent.

Kind regards
Muon Software Ltd


Hi Dave,

Thanks for your reply.

I had a similar issue with some parameters on CamelPhat... Novation recommended setting it up as an encoder rather than a button. I've managed to make a logical automap of Tau Pro fit on one page but with no encoders to spare so I'll just have to remember about that sine wave!

Thanks also for your pointer to the pdf manual... must have missed that when installing.

Looking forward to having a readthrough though it's been fun to play blind so-to-speak!




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