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This sounds great. Wondering if it will solve my problems and how much work it will take.

I ran Sonar 4 PE for many years, using the Cakewalk VST Adapter and the DirectiXer VST Adapter. I upgraded to Sonar 7 SE and my plugins are a mess with duplicates etc. I've been putting off going in and cleaning them up.

I understand that this program is highly tweakable, but is there an "automatic" function that will do the heavy lifting for me.

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is there an "automatic" function that will do the heavy lifting for me.
No, but pretty darn close.

How's this:
Start MenuMagic
1)Click Sonar plug-in system selector button
2)Click on the Menu Creation tab
3)Click on the Save Layout button
4)Click in Display Name and give your new plug-in menu layout a name
5)Click Save

In 5 clicks you now have created and saved a new plug-in menu layout for Sonar 7. If you had 2 extra seconds between clicks 4 & 5 with a couple of extra clicks you could have assigned your new menu layout to be the default menu for Bus Audio Effects, SynthRackSynths, Track Audio Effects, etc. It's easy.

Working with our testers we have pre-categorized over 850 plug-ins and tried to create intelligent menu groupings for them. Of course we missed a few and my apologies to any plug-in vendor whose fine plug-ins we don't currently have in our database. But its no problem, its easy to categorize your plug-in any way you want. Don't like a category name - rename it, delete it or create your own.
Note: Category names become Sonar 7 plug-in menu layout folders.

MenuMagic also has the Plug-in Info Grid. This is a great tool for investigating problems with your plug-in setup. It shows what plug-ins you have installed, where you have them installed, possible duplicates, definite duplicates, and more. Plus you can customize and save grid layouts (sorting on one or more columns, move or hide columns, etc.).
ImageCakewalk/Sonar Plugin Management Tools

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