Synth Purchased but no delivery

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Sorry to post this here, but I'm not sure where to go now. On March 29th I purchased Tau 2 from the website and received my receipt from the site dealing with the credit card business and all, but since then I have not heard a word from Muon directly. I tried to send an email to the admin address and it was returned to me has delivery failed with the following details.

Reporting-MTA: dns;
Received-From-MTA: dns;BLU141-W1
Arrival-Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 06:14:04 -0700

Final-Recipient: rfc822; (
Action: failed
Status: 5.5.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;554 Sorry, this message appears to be spam (#5.6.0)

Figuring possibly this has something to do with my account being a hotmail address, I forwarded my receipt to my label address and sent a message from there explaining the situation. Still no response. Therefore I'm posting here in hopes that I can finally get the synth I purchased.

Best regards,
Rennis Buchner/Jikkenteki
PAR-2 Productions
"Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home" double album coming June 21st.


call the credit card company and tell them and they will refund you.
my music:
"It's hard to be humble, when you're as great as I am." Muhammad Ali


I'm sorry to hear that you have had trouble contacting us by email.

Our hosting provider recently updated their anti-spam software, and I have heard of one or two cases recently where people have not been able to get in touch with us, who have also had hotmail accounts.

Our records indicate that your product was shipped to you on Sunday 30th April at 10.19am GMT. If you have not received the product delivery email, I would suggest that you check your Spam Folder to see if your email provider has mistakenly classified the mail as spam.

There are occasional problems delivering products to customers with yahoo/hotmail/gmail-type accounts which is why we don't recommend them and customers are reminded of this on our website.

I will PM you with details of an email account that you can contact me on that arrives via a different server and hopefully we can resolve this quite quickly.

Muon Software Ltd


Thanks for the reply.
I always check my spam folder carefully and can assure you that it never arrived there. I also sent an email from a non-free mail account and got no response there as well, hence the worrying began and I came here.

Thanks for the quick response,
PAR-2 Productions
"Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home" double album coming June 21st.


Hopefully you should have received my email in response to the one you sent today - if you did, let me know and I'll send your product again.

Very sorry for the inconvenience, we receive around 20 spams every hour and have to use both server-side and local spam filtering to stay sane :(



Just as a follow up, Dave got my synth to me quickly and was very helpful in working around the server issues we appeared to be have.

PAR-2 Productions
"Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home" double album coming June 21st.



I'm having the same problem with Muon. I purchased Tau2 and Tau Pro, then waited 72 hours (!!) and received nothing in my email. I emailed them a reminder days ago and have not yet received a reply. Yes, I checked my junk mail.

I know the software is inexpensive, but this is pretty awful customer service! Hopefully I'll hear something soon...


We received emails about this occasionally, and it always boils down to the same thing - people ordering and giving free email accounts such as Hotmail, Gmail etc. for delivery.

The free email providers often use over-zealous spam filters which can sometimes filter out emails containing executable attachments. Also, when we reply to customer's emails, the messages don't get through for the same reason.

Customer orders are processed and shipped on a daily basis. We respond to all customer emails as soon as humanly possible, usually within minutes of receipt during working hours.

I'm really quite offended by the suggestion that we have "pretty awful customer service" when the reality of the fact is some of our customers don't receive our emails due to circumstances that are completely outside of our control.

If you've not received your product, I am not aware of any currently outstanding shipments - we're fully up to date here, so PM me through the forum and I will check our records to see when your product was sent.

Muon Software Ltd


JT - I have opened a case with our email provider to try and investigate why these problems are happening. You might want to consider doing the same with yours to find out why you are not able to receive emails from us.

I have also resent your products to you using a different email server to see if that bypasses the block.



I finally received my products. It is unfortunate that it took posting a message to a public forum to get a response. I have a email address (which is not free) and I check my spam folder regularly so there was no email mishap this time.

I stand by my "awful customer service" comment. There is no excuse for Muon's lack of communication. The waiting for 72 hours for an email attachment was ridiculous enough.

Nevertheless, I have my purchases now. I'll just be prepared to wait for a week to receive my software if I order from Muon again.



What do you mean "lack of communication"?

Just in case you don't understand this, we sent you several emails, including ones containing your product.

If you didn't receive them, the problem lies with your email hosting provider.


I never received any of your "several emails." The only communication that I received was the initial email receipts for my payments and then today I received the product emails after I posted here. As I mentioned already, I had to send a follow-up email when I didn't receive anything from Muon after the mandatory 72 hour waiting period. And that email received no response. So I consider all that a "lack of communication" from Muon. I empathize with you that Muon is having email issues. I don't think the problem is with my email hosting. But we will probably never know for sure...


I disagree, we do know for sure - I've checked with our email hosting provider and we're reviewing the SMTP logs. We can pinpoint messages leaving our server if needs be, but obviously our logs won't tell us what your email server did with them.

We received your enquiry on Friday 19th September at 1.47pm UK time. I answered same day at 2.09pm UK time. Checking the logs will verify that the email left our server, plus the resends of your product a few moments later.

I understand that you didn't receive these, or the other emails I sent you, but I'm unable to understand why you think it is somehow our fault if the emails don't reach you. We didn't receive any kind of failure notice or response from your server otherwise we'd have followed it up.

If your email provider filtered out our messages as false spam positives, just think how many other useful emails you could be missing out on - you really should complain to them as there isn't anything we can do to guarantee delivery of an email.


blackelmo wrote:I never received any of your "several emails."
blackelmo wrote:I don't think the problem is with my email hosting.
blackelmo wrote:But we will probably never know for sure...
Yes, good call. Slag off a highly respected developer who also happens to be insanely prompt in his communications, and reject any thought of it being your own problem. You didn't even check, as noted above. If Dave says your product went out, it would probably be a safe bet to check into issues that may be occurring on your own end.


I will follow-up with Apple Support, since they are my email provider, and see if they are deleting certain emails. This was the first time that I was expecting an email and never received it...


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