Func Shaper

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This plug-in is a great idea! simple and good!


Zaphod (giancarlo) wrote:This plug-in is a great idea! simple and good!
hi zaphod,

glad that you like it. :D, the creator of nebula likes my pluggy... much thanks fellow colleague. have much fun with it.
My website:, My presences on: YouTube, GitHub, Facebook


yes, I'm playing with it right now... it's really useful... and users could simply share presets adding new funs useful for prototyping new plugs! and you could add function easily (I mean like the "cheby") adding new power easily.

We have something similar in nebula, but it's just a control signal (using those funs you control a vector of kernels, so it's a bit limited because the internal processing rate). I like your oversampling feature too.


Zaphod (giancarlo) wrote:yes, I'm playing with it right now... it's really useful... and users could simply share presets adding new funs useful for prototyping new plugs! and you could add function easily (I mean like the "cheby") adding new power easily.
yes, i can easily add custom functions. it might be a relevant info for you that i am using this:

(great !) library for the actual expression evaluation functionality. the lib allows for easy adding of custom functions. i'm just about to write a documentation for the plug. although i hope that everything is pretty much self explanatory, i certainly need to document the built in functions for reference.

We have something similar in nebula, but it's just a control signal (using those funs you control a vector of kernels, so it's a bit limited because the internal processing rate).
ah, so you use expressions for generating control gestures?
I like your oversampling feature too. most cases quite essential for nonlinear things
My website:, My presences on: YouTube, GitHub, Facebook


control gestures
yes, but we are not using exprval. Nice to know! Ok, I'll give a glance to the library, just for using better your plug.


thanks, this is a nice plugin. i am getting some good use from it, (and i use nebula too :wink: )



Things don't quite add up for me in the mathematics department... could somebody please describe to me what this plugin can do for me? and/or point me in the direction to to learn these math functions?



note that you do not necesarrily need to understand the whole math behind waveshaping in order to use the plugin. but if you want to, you can start with my waveshaping tutorial: ... haping.pdf
My website:, My presences on: YouTube, GitHub, Facebook


i tried this plugin and i l,ike it very much, have only tried the presets and think this can sound very different. i will go deeper into math because i like this academic approach to music effects. But one thing:
when i change a preset func-shaper creates a loud click. this is not good for my ears and my loudspeaker :)....



mäxchen wrote:i tried this plugin and i l,ike it very much, have only tried the presets and think this can sound very different. i will go deeper into math because i like this academic approach to music effects.
thanks. this 'academic' approach is most probably due to my somewhat academic background. i think, a lot of audio programmers probably have similar backgrounds - however, many attempt to hide the more mathematical aspects of sound design from the end user because the regard that as not so musical (i guess). i am fascinated by the melting of art and science and try to forward that fascination to my users.
But one thing:
when i change a preset func-shaper creates a loud click. this is not good for my ears and my loudspeaker :)....
does this happen only for some presets or for all? i think it could be related to different settings of the DC-value in different presets - suddenly switching the DC to a different value causes a click. could that be, what you observe? if so, i think, i could ramp the DC upon switching presets in order to make for a smooth transition
My website:, My presences on: YouTube, GitHub, Facebook


just a short answer, supper is ready..

i have studied electrical engeneering, so i am interested how a thing works. your tutorials and very nice and the func-shaper. now i know how it works :).

will try the preset change later and will report



no it is not the dc offset (not only)

in you download-package you have two chebyshev..... presets. when i change between them it clicks.
(win xp, plogue bidule)


mäxchen wrote:no it is not the dc offset (not only)

in you download-package you have two chebyshev..... presets. when i change between them it clicks.
(win xp, plogue bidule)
i just checked it - although these two chebychev presets have both zero DC, the second one has some DC in the curve itself. or more precisely - it has a nonzero output value for zero input values, so there occurs a step-signal when switching to it. well....avoiding all these cases would require some rather elaborate preset-crossfading approach, i guess. ...or temporarily invoking an RC lowpass on the output signal for some time after preset a switch occured. are these clicks annoying enough that i should go this route?
My website:, My presences on: YouTube, GitHub, Facebook


ok, hard question.
ok for me, no big problem because i know it clicks.

but other people: when i try a waveshaper i want distorsion and maybe i want that loud, very loud ! and then when i change the preset the clicks are sometimes .... too loud. one of these "too loud clicks" i would exit funk-shaper and never try it again.
its your decision. for me i know it clicks and i will lower the volume.

ok, tried that again: it clicks, ok. and it depends on the volume of the sound out.

sorry cant help you. maybe you can lower the click volume. i think the problem is the click itself, but to lower the click volume with a little work would be a very good alternative to eleminate the click with a lot of work.

by te way, tried the pre and post filter, exactly what i need :)


mäxchen wrote:its your decision. for me i know it clicks and i will lower the volume.
i think, i will pursue the idea with the temporarily invoked RC-filter. seems to be pretty easy to implement and should do a very good job at supressing the clicks. i hope so, at least. we'll see.
My website:, My presences on: YouTube, GitHub, Facebook

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