Please compare ManyBass to Trilogy

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I am an owner of Trilogy. Would there be a reason to own Manybass as well?
daRem - PinkLime Studios


Since I don't own Trilogy, I can't say more than what I have observed about it. It's an extensive bass rompler.

What ManyBass does besides offering you a library of bass sounds (as well as providing access to the expanding sound format) is give you amp and cabinet models as well as bass specific effects. It's an all-in-one bass VSTi.

Also, when you purchase ManyBass, you also get access to, which has a growing collection of tutorials and additional soundsets! The tutorials will not only show you how to use ManyBass, but how to practically apply it (though I'm not implying that ManyBass is difficult to use at all, of course). Not many products go that far in terms of included training material.

From what I can hear, Trilogy has a different "tone" than ManyBass does. Check out the audio demos and see if you like the tone of ManyBass.

Also, be sure to try out the demo of ManyBass now available at


If I can, I'd like to add my 2 cents. I also do not own trilogy, but I expect it is a great plug-in. ManyBass, to me, is more like a scarbee bass collection played thru Ik's ampeg plug-in... only it sounds different. But it's the same idea. The basses have a lot of detail and the eq, amp, compressor, etc. are bass specific. And it is all in one package.

Does that help?


I own ManyBass and one of my colleagues owns Trilogy.
Trilogy is very good and has a huge comprehensive soundset but I found it much harder to get a realistic bass part. I also found that to get it's full potential I had to load more than one instance of Trilogy in a project for all the extra articulations.
I found ManyBass to sound more realistic and easier to program. I also love the onboard amps/effects. For a detailed/comprehensive electric bass guitar VSTi ManyBass takes some beating!

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