Clone Boy pumps at low amplitude

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I have an old and rare recording that has a slightly, but noticeable equalization difference between channels. I purchased Clone Boy to clone the spectral signature of the 'good' channel to make the 'bad' channel sound spectrally similar. For the most part, it works incredibly well.

One song is very low volume, and only contains piano and vocals. Average SPL is probabaly -18db (RMS). CloneBoy 'pumps' on the recieving channel every once in a while. All of the audio content should be above the threshhold (default -118 db), and is also above the mask frequency (I set to 288 Hz). Since the default mask and pivot didn't work, I lowered to 288 Hz. I still get the pumping.

Any suggestions?


Not to use clone boy. ;) Although the product description refers to cloning the spectral signature, it doesn't do what you're thinking it does. Clone Boys is more like a... (and I know Paul doesn't really agree with this either,) vocoder on steroids. It can take the spectral qualities of, say, your keyboard sound, and apply them to your voice.

The better tool for the job is Elevayta's FrEQ boy, which can create a spectral "image" of your source material and apply it to new material. Kind of like Harbal.



Well, I bought FrEQBoy, and that didn't do it. In fact, that didn't really come close. It's entirely possible I was using it wrong because I only have it a 20 minute trial, and wasn't too worried about the $30 price tag.

But thanks for the tip on HarBal. That seems to have done exactly what I wanted. I don't notice any modulation, and it appears to have made the recessive channel sound timbrally similar to the dominant channel.



You definitely need to read the manual for Elevayta's plugins to get full and proper use out of them.


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