Yay, I finally purchased AA Reverb!! :D

Official support for: artsacoustic.com


Just completed the transaction and can't wait for my license key!! :D I chose AA reverb after long hours of listening to CSR, ArtsAcoustic, Silverspike, Waves, QuikQuak and convolution reverbs (with Echochamber impulses which are of a very high quality). I decided to go for this reverb for the following reasons...

- The price
- The copy protection
- The sound quality (For rooms, I think this beat everything to my ears, CSR was a very good verb too though, no doubt). I also found that it can do plate type reverbs but with more tweaking than the CSR plate.
- The gorgeous GUI and stable performance on my system
- The extremely low CPU usage required
- The awesome modulation sound which is lacking from some of the other verbs
- The effect of combining the Echo section and the Modulation section, awesome!!
- The excellent support that I have seen you guys give all your customers on this forum and the polite attitude by which you go about doing that.

It is kinda silly that Shareit don't allow GMail accounts, had the same problem when I bought some Kjaerhus plugins a while ago, oh well ... :)



hey, good write-up or whatever you call it :) I'm looking around for a new reverb for my own studio, but I want want that is both good for music as well as post audio for film type of work. I was just down in another city here in norway, and programmed alot of spaces with the CSR reverb for a film production company, and liked that reverb so much that it is very near the top of the list. but your text has made me add AA to the must check out more list :)


I think one of the main strenghts of Arts Acoustic reverb is that it simply sounds unique (and it sounds unique in a good way!). You want the AAR sound? You need AAR, period. It doesn't replace some of the other reverbs, IMHO, but neither do any of the others replace AAR. :)

"Wisdom is wisdom, regardless of the idiot who said it." -an idiot


I think there's no doubt that CSR is also incredible. It is indeed a high end reverb just like AA. I initially was convinced that I was going to purchase CSR actually.

The main things that made me change my mind were the copy protection, the price and also, there are certain synthetic reverbs you can't produce in CSR that you can in AA. Also, I just find AA sounds really natural, for small drum rooms, for halls and then it can move into the unrealistic domain a lot.

Since I produce electronic music as well as acoustic, I love having that range.

CSR for me sounds great but can't really move into the synthetic domain with modulation, and reverbs that slowly morph into something.

I'll try to produce some audio demos of what I'm referring to as soon as I get my license :D

Last edited by fgimian on Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.


cool :)
i also got the R66 not long ago... but it is rather unstable unfortunately. I got problems loading up projects that have the r66 in them... very dissapointing because it is a cool reverb :)


I also had troubles with R66, I had tested it along with the rest above (forgot to mention that one) but I had stability issues too in Cubase. Also, it sounds really bad for small rooms, but lush for big rooms :D





yes, R66 is best as an effect reverb :) because of the stability issues i dont touch it much which is sad.. so when i do use it, it is applied as a destructive edit and then removed from the project. insert and bounce to new track and remove type of thing :)


Wow what a pain, if you tend to like it for modulated tails, then AA will most likely fill that void and maybe allow you to get rid of R66.

What I notice with R66 is that, there are many ways to make it sound bad.

Most reverbs tend to limit their parameters upper and lower limits to ensure realism and that the effect always sounds good. In my personal opinion, this is the best way to do things. R66 doesn't do this and thus some parameters can be really taken to the extreme, leading in wierd / bad sounding verbs.

I would say that your only real choices for algo verb via a native plugin are CSR and AAR actually.



bduffy wrote:YAY!!!™
:party: :band: :band2:

Audio samples will be available soon to demonstrate what I love about AAR.



Hope someone finds these fun to listen to, I'll leave em up for a week or two :D Done pretty quick, can't wait to actually produce a track with it!




Dam that does sound really good.. I wonder how it would sound under bduffy's upsampling trick. ?



wow, nice!! bladerunner-nice :)


Sweet ! I'm glad you guys liked them :D

You gotta hear a rhodes through this verb, I might prepare one :)
Last edited by fgimian on Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.


Lagrange wrote:Dam that does sound really good.. I wonder how it would sound under bduffy's upsampling trick. ?
Well, I can tell you that during final mixing, I did re-do a few vocal channels with AAR at 96khz, and I didn't hear a big difference. BUT, this was in dense mixes, and the whole upsampling thing didn't result in any dramatic improvements, apart from better dynamics. But if soundpalace would like to test it out a reference at 96k, that would be interesting.

Soundpalace: nice demos! Fully displays the magic I love about AAR. Man, that modulation just brings anything to life, and is one paramter that most reverbs forget or get wrong. I also love how the modulation controls are simple; I don't really want to mess around with LFO paramters, etc; just gimme some goddamn modulation! :D

I might post something myself, because I'm bored.

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