AMG ONE Issues

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I jumped the gun and purchased ONE. So far not bad, however I am concerned about a few things that aren't covered in the manual. I assume that what the manual says, goes, but I do have one tiny little detail regarding individual slice AMP env control. For example, I want my kick drum to stay tight & short, while the snare on the same loop I want to play out completely. I can't seem to find individual control of each slice outside of PAN, VOL and Pitch. Please tell me there is a way to apply AMP env parameters to individual slices. Also, after loading some of the demo material that comes with the DVD, everytime I click on the slice swap, it brings Live 503 down and out. In other words, unexpectedly quit. I'm almost afraid to fire it up on Logic Pro 7.2. Please advise.

MACOSX 10.4.5
Dual G5 2.5 Ghz (details in signature below)
Live 5.0.3
ONE 1.0 Audio Unit (still in demo mode - haven't recieved registration file yet)
VSTi not installed
MAC OSX 10.7.2/Corei7 3.0 GHz/8GB RAM/2 TB HD Total/Saffire Pro24DSP/AXIOM 61/LogicPro 9.1.6 (64)/Reason 5.0.1/Live 6.0.7/Stylus RMX 1.9.6e (64)


No, there's no way that you can set individual settings for slices other than pitch, pan and vol. What you could do is copy the snare to a step sequencer channel and layer it over your loop, muting the original snare.

If you are experiencing crashes with Live, please look in your Library/Logs/Crash Reporter folder for the Live crash log and send it to me (service at ONE is going to be updated very soon to 1.01 and we're keen to hear of any problems you might be having.



I figured out what you had suggested about the step sequencer just before logging on to the forum. This thing has alot of little hidden monkeys under the hood. I still better look at the possibilities before posting. As for the crash log, will have it sent to you promptly. I truly hope that you guys put your devotion behind this project 100%, I really would hate to see it lose any battle against its fierce competition. I really think this can go somewhere above and beyond the rest. Thanks Dave.


MAC OSX 10.7.2/Corei7 3.0 GHz/8GB RAM/2 TB HD Total/Saffire Pro24DSP/AXIOM 61/LogicPro 9.1.6 (64)/Reason 5.0.1/Live 6.0.7/Stylus RMX 1.9.6e (64)


This issue has been found and fixed - we'll be shipping 1.01 shortly.

Thanks for bringing that to my attention!



Needs a proper preview function.



You can preview anything in the browser (with the exception of Multis and FX patches) by clicking and holding down the mouse on the item, or by clicking and holding on the preview button. What's missing?



I doesnt run the previews in sync with whats already running. Its only tempo matched. Other apps sync the loop properly. Thats whats missing.


Why not just double-click the loop onto a spare rack? takes as long as a click-hold.

I can't think of a single loop player plugin that can do a sync'd preview directly from the browser BTW except Sony ACID, and that's a host. It's also worth mentioning that most loop player plugins can't even preview their own main file type with all envelopes, LFOs etc. like ONE can - and lets not go into the complete lack of features most plugin browsers have compared to ONE.


Greetings all,

To expand on browser issues, all sync aside, the browser is elaborate and falls short on nothing that it claims to be. However, it would be most useful to have a preview on finder/explorer windows when loading loops from folders outside of "my files" (I'll let the name of this folder go for now, perhaps another topic is in order.) Anyway, back to the browser, being a Mac user, pHATmatik Pro allows you to preview all loops from the finder window when the load loop button is pressed. AMG ONE does not have this wonderful feature as most people would be more likely to use the preview from within their prompt window as opposed to the browser that is attached to ONE. In all honesty, the only thing I want done about browsing is to have have the ability to press the "Down" arrow on the keyboard instead of pressing and holding the mouse button for 2 seconds at a time. After about 50 loops or so, it gets really tired and sometimes doesn't respond due to a few little buggies found in the browser.

I would say: Who's with me! on this, but it seems as though I am alone in having ran down the hallway with the scissors pointed toward me, as I slipped, fell and lost a couple hundred bucks in the process. But hey, what's the worst that could happen, it not like AMG ONE isn't going to have Per slice AMP ENV control, prompt window and tempo sync browing, drag & drop MIDI and have Intel UB compatibility. Then again, I hope AMG ONE has no blood relation to eLAB Obsession and Foundation, or those of us who dished out cash for this are screwed. Oh well, at least I can always use the scissors I ran out with, to have an honorable Samurai's death.


MAC OSX 10.7.2/Corei7 3.0 GHz/8GB RAM/2 TB HD Total/Saffire Pro24DSP/AXIOM 61/LogicPro 9.1.6 (64)/Reason 5.0.1/Live 6.0.7/Stylus RMX 1.9.6e (64)


sometimes doesn't respond due to a few little buggies found in the browser
More likely to be inaccurate mouse clickies....


Muon Software Ltd wrote:Why not just double-click the loop onto a spare rack? takes as long as a click-hold.

I can't think of a single loop player plugin that can do a sync'd preview directly from the browser BTW except Sony ACID, and that's a host. It's also worth mentioning that most loop player plugins can't even preview their own main file type with all envelopes, LFOs etc. like ONE can - and lets not go into the complete lack of features most plugin browsers have compared to ONE.

Muon please forgive me if i'm out of line but i'm never sure how to really respond to you, your attitude is just kind of weird, maybe it's just me but it really sounds like you don't want things to be improved. Is that really the impression that you want to leave on people, you have a great product but when you say stuff like the above statement it really makes one a little sour. The fact that you can't think of a single loop player that does those things should make you want to make AMGs One, the 'one' that does. ...pardon the pun. anyway man if i'm outta line then sorry bout that.


Muon please forgive me if i'm out of line but i'm never sure how to really respond to you, your attitude is just kind of weird, maybe it's just me but it really sounds like you don't want things to be improved. Is that really the impression that you want to leave on people, you have a great product but when you say stuff like the above statement it really makes one a little sour. The fact that you can't think of a single loop player that does those things should make you want to make AMGs One, the 'one' that does. ...pardon the pun. anyway man if i'm outta line then sorry bout that.
ONE was designed as a vehicle to organise and present AMG's content and make it easy to use (and to protect it from piracy). The editing functions mean you can customise the loops in lots of ways and get your best out of your investment in the content, but ultimately it is all about the content.




Much like an artist who takes his work personally.....very personally, I understand that Dave is quite through with our suggestions. I agree with Stale Bread on more levels than he presented, being that he was indeed trying not to cross the line. Those few of us who still care about AMG ONE know exactly what we're talking about. I feel that since day one of even thinking about purchasing ONE, I was doomed. Doomed for trying to find an alternative to Stylus RMX and pHATmatik Pro. Hoping that the up close and direct connection to one of the developers would help the process of ONE, it started to look promising. I, like the few others who actually purchsed ONE, should have seen this coming. We should have run out and purchased MUON ONE, not "AMG" ONE. After a few days of trying to fit ONE into my arrangements, I started to see quite a bit of a library I have already purchased from AMG. It was that sharp stab of denial that reminded me of my 200 bucks and then it hit me....its a huge AMG library that you can only use on this plugin! For so many months I have stayed away from Native Instruments Intakt engraved libraries, and now this: An AMG library previewer with an elaborate browser in which to "inaccurately" click and hold down my mouse button in order to make my decision on over 2000 loops that AMG has nicely packaged into a single collection.

Its my fault really. The choice is completely ours to make and I dropped the ball on myself. Impatience really, I should have waited on that Demo that took quite some time to show itself. We can't expect to be called professionals if we make decisions like this and still have the time to type up such long forum posts. Despite our ability to type a million words a minute, we are subject to mis-spellings and inaccurate "clickies" every now and then. No excuse, thanks Dave for everything you have ever done for us in the past. I leave AMG ONE in the hands of those who wish to continue its developement and further its success if any.


MAC OSX 10.7.2/Corei7 3.0 GHz/8GB RAM/2 TB HD Total/Saffire Pro24DSP/AXIOM 61/LogicPro 9.1.6 (64)/Reason 5.0.1/Live 6.0.7/Stylus RMX 1.9.6e (64)


Much like an artist who takes his work personally.....very personally, I understand that Dave is quite through with our suggestions
Not at all, you can carry on - however, you're suggesting stuff to the wrong person.

Muon designed and coded ONE for AMG to meet their specification, and although my collegues and I have quite a lot of say in the design process any further development is up to Matt. Muon has not been asked to do any more work on ONE - the next releases from AMG will be a hiphop library (+ rebadged ONE) called "Metropolis" and an acoustic drums library (+ rebadged ONE) called "Infinite Groove". An updated version of ONE/solo is also in beta test right now, though what libraries will be packaged with it I don't know. Apart from that, we've done some small bug fixes and a little optimisation of the browser caching for v1.02 but there really is nothing else in the pipeline at all after that.

From our point of view, what we delivered to them meets the stated goals for the project, its selling very well and has received excellent reviews in Sound On Sound, Future Music and MacUser. I just don't understand all these people queuing up in our forum telling us that ONE should be something it isn't. It was never, ever supposed to be a replacement for Phatmatik Pro or Stylus RMX - if you bought it on that basis, you've bought the wrong product for the wrong reason and although I'm sympathetic to your complaint I'm also totally baffled by it.




You can import REX/acid loops - you can use recycle and import grooves you make yourself as well.

So it is not totally locked into the library.

The ability of the engine to bpm match its loops to any song make it a VERY potent device.

I haven't used it as much as I should but it is definately a product to give a bit more time to.



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