muon atom pro - great bass but how do i tune it ?

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The muon atom pro has a sound ya cant get anywhere else , but i find i am unable to tune it.
Any ideas anyone ?? Even a separate vst that can tune the atom pro output would be great. :)


You're right of course, Atom Pro doesn't have a fine tune or coarse tune control. However it is discontinued like most of our older plugins, and unfortunately there are no plans to update it at this time.

My only suggestion would perhaps be to upgrade to Electron if you have to work with a tune that isn't at concert pitch for some reason, and use Electron's detune and transpose controls. If you prefer freebies, there's always CM101 which is given away with Computer Music magazine. Both Electron and CM101 have quite similar sounding oscillators and filters to Atom Pro.



Thanks Dave !! A shame that you've decided to discontinue it cos its got such a phat sound. I have the free CM synths such as CM101 etc , but i find myself continually using the atom pro cos its so direct and has a no messin about attitude. A lot of synths now are too clever for their own good , but what it really boils down to at the end of the day , is the quality of the oscillators , and the atom pro sounds so rich and yet so analogue and dirty , its still very much a classic in my eyes. I'm hard pressed to find such a warm sounding synth , and its obvious that a lot of love was put into its development.
Thanks again !!!! :)


My suggestion would be to try Electron, it has pretty much the same oscillators and filters, but is "heavier" and more powerful in tone. You can download a demo from our website.



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