Keyswitching MIDI plugin for Windows

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Yo all Kick-Ass Brassers. As we all know, KAB doesn't have keyswitching, so I made this little MIDI plugin for Cubase SX/SL/Nuendo/etc.

I'm calling it "version 0.9", but it works for me already, and I don't really need any more features. But I'll probably polish it to "1.0" sooner or later.

It's only for Windows at the moment, but it's based on the Steinberg module SDK, so if I can get a friend of mine to compile a Mac version, I'll put that online too.
Last edited by Yki on Sat Dec 24, 2005 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.


Does it only work in Cubase SX or can it be used in another VST host like V-Stack?


Yeah, probably it will work in V-Stack too, as well as Cubase SL/SE/etc. and Nuendo. It shouldn't take long to try out? If V-Stack knows about MIDI plugins, then it should work.


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