AGC StrumMaker III Update Ready!

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I'm not a pro at this but I will try to write a tutorial tomorrow, when you have the basics then you can create new instrumets from a lot of different libs


you can test these while I do the tutorial

have fun & let me know if you like em

Bupper- If you have a video explaining your method, we cannot stop you from making a video and posting it to YouTube. Any other link will be disabled.

Also, you cannot post .nki files containing the copyrighted scripts of Indiginus, Vir2, or any other developer. That is a violation of copyright law, and violates KVR's policy.



TheBrewer wrote:Good news!

Can you please tell me exactly what you did to make it work?

That would be a f?%*&?*&ng nice hint from you!

Thanks in advance!
It must go something like this:

1. Open StrumMaker (StrumMaker II is probably better for trying this- it's in the Samples/Legacy folder).
2. Hit the Wrench button.
3. Open the script editor.
4. You'll see tabs for the Sequencer and Fretboard scripts. Save these scripts with names you'll remember (in the Preset menu).
5. Open the instrument you would like to control. You'll have to move their scripts to the right by saving and reloading them. Then load the Sequencer and Fretboard scripts to the left of any AL scripts.

Here's the thing- both products use different wallpapers (background graphics), so you'll only see the white/gray dashes on the fretboard- no fretboard illustration.

This method does work when using un-scripted instruments. You could strum a vibraphone if you wanted! If you want the correct wallpaper (with the freboard graphics), you just have to tell Kontakt where it is. (see Kontakt's manual).

Hope this helps.




Thanks a lot TC! I will have to try all this this week-end. Thanks again!



Thanks TC! Bupper sent me something to about that (thanks Bupper by the way ;-)) but when i saw your last post, i said 'let's try this to see if it works'. And it did! And it's really easy to do man! Really really cool!

Thanks again and thanks anyway to Bupper too!



Is the free update still available?


If you bought AGC recently you won't need it. Otherwise, just email me ( with your purchase data and I'll get it to you.


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