Thank you everyone

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Hi everyone! after some time reading this forum I finally got a LinnStrument!, it arrived yesterday.

Im so happy because its surpassing all my expectations. At first I got it because I thought this is one of those rare occasions where someone with so much passion, professionalism and knowledge is behind a product. So in some sense we can consider ourselves lucky.

But now Im surprised at how intuitive it feels, from the instrument to the interface, and how easily I can express myself, its truly a piece of art in its design.

I just recorded my first video, I hope the first of many!. I look forward to contribute as much as possible to the LinnStrument scene.

Thank you all who keep posting here and help people like me to finally decide to get one,


Thank you for joining us.


Wow-- that's pretty good for having your LinnStrument only one day! Thanks for liking LinnStrument enough to own one and welcome to the community.

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