Controller mapping shouldnt be this hard.... What am I missing please.

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Hi. Apologies if this post is repeating itself but I am at a loss.

I have setup two controllers in Wiggers using scripts.
All was going well or so I thought having mapped a couple of knobs to the pots on my Atom SQ.

However everything I map does so globally. Ie when I change to a different track/device/instrument my mapped knobs still control the mappings from the other track.

I have read the manual, scoured the forums, YouTube and everything I could find.
The same thing happens on my Atom SQ, Beatstep Pro and Arturia Minilab.
I have tried both device pages and preset pages in Controls editor but always get the same result.

I am currently on version 4 but have tried version 5 in Demo mode.
I have tried different os's Windows & Linux

I feel this is such a basic thing which I have been doing on other DAWs for years... I just dont understand why this has to be so difficult.

I have wasted two whole days on this so far and havent made a single beat


Sounds like you are creating manual mappings via the mappings panel. The purpose of these is if you want to always control one specific parameter with one specific knob, they override however the controller script has been set up.

To control the currently selected device you need a controller script that supports this method of interaction (most of them do, assuming the controller hardware suits this style of 8 banked parameters control) - the ? icon after selecting a controller script often links to a pdf manual that describes how the script works - some might need to be in a certain hardware mode for device control for example. Don't map anything, just click on the device and it's device/preset remotes should be controllable automatically (you'll know it's working if the little coloured triangles appear on parameters that are mapped to remotes). You might need to set up device/preset remote controls first of course, all the bitwig devices have sane remotes already set, but third party plugins need to be manually configured.

If there isn't a controller script that works with device remotes for your controllers you can use the driven by moss flexi script to set up the knobs and how to map them to remotes manually. The setup process is pretty confusing (moss does great work with the configuration functionality available, but it's still just a bit odd), but you only need to do it once and then save it.


Thank you Pikey very much for your speedy reply.

As with many things a quick rant on a forum and things start to make sense, I have made some progress & My Beatstep pro now seems to be functioning as expected. (even though I didnt do anything different).

I beleive it is my Presonus Atom SQ which is causing the issue.

I dont know if you know the Beatstep pro at all but it has two rows of eight knobs. The Bitwig script is using the bottom row for volume and pan controls. I have a Launchcontrol xl for this function.
Do you think it would be possible to make the bottom row of 8 knobs available for other tasks such as Midi CC control??

Many thanks again for your reply and hearing my rant... I do appreciate it.



Did you look at the help file (if it exists) for the beatstep pro script?

What do you mean exactly by 'midi cc control'? Some people mean parameter control when they say CC control, while others actually mean CC control to external hardware, and there is a difference in the two in the best way for that in bw.

If you just want to control specific daw/vst/clap parameters with those knobs then you can just use the mapping panel. If you want the controlled parameters to be the same for all projects you can save the mapping as a part of your default template. If the mapping panel doesn't work when wiggling those knobs then it's possible those knobs don't transmit midi cc to bitwig (although seems unlikely based on the purpose of those controllers).

For hardware control you can use a midi cc device into a HW Instrument (or just configuring the midi output of the track if you don't need the HW instrument features, although it's super nice) and map the midi cc device via remote controls or the mapping panel.

Also I understand the rant, I'm sure I ranted about setting this stuff up when I was new to bitwig too. I think once you understand all the systems there is a aha moment for the way bitwig have designed their hardware support and you appreciate the flexibility and power it gives to set things up the way you want. It's not perfect, it can be a bit opaque when starting but it all makes a lot of sense in the end.

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