Linnstrument-friendly patches for Vital

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I'm really grateful for the wealth of linnstrument-friendly patches in Surge XT. I'm wondering if there are community resources for similar mpe-friendly patches for Vital? I love both synths, but the built in patches for Vital tend to be more brash and obnoxious; I'd love to find some voices tuned for subtle expressive playing.


I don't know Vital and I'm not aware of any LinnStrument-optimized sounds for it, but perhaps it has MPE-optimized sounds?

Regarding brash, distorted and dissonant sounds, Surge certainly is capable of this. In the included "LinnStrument MPE" library, I focused these sounds more on consonant sounds because LinnStrument players generally like playing chords and solo lines and not so much sound effects. But Surge has a large library of other sounds that all become MPE sounds if the MPE button is turned.

Unlike Vital, the full version of Surge XT is free.


HarryLeBlanc wrote: Mon Jun 19, 2023 11:21 pm I'm really grateful for the wealth of linnstrument-friendly patches in Surge XT. I'm wondering if there are community resources for similar mpe-friendly patches for Vital? I love both synths, but the built in patches for Vital tend to be more brash and obnoxious; I'd love to find some voices tuned for subtle expressive playing.
No, not as far as I know. When Roger declared Surge XT the official LinnStrument softsynth, and stickied the Request for LinnStrument-optimized sounds for Surge XT thread, that centralized preset/patch development for LinnStrumentalists. Surge XT is cross-platform, so it is more accessible, and uses the GPLv3, so it makes sense to use it instead of proprietary softsynths as a long-term foundation.

There are still Surge XT community patches that are not in the 1.2.3 stable release, like Miles' November 2022 patches. I suggest using those if you want subtle expressive performances.

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