Display played notes on all octaves

Official support for: rogerlinndesign.com


Hello Roger.

Could it be possible in a future update, to have the played notes light up on all octaves ?
I love this behaviour on geoshred/synth, and greatly helps me navigate trough the octaves.


Hi Phy6,

Thanks for the suggestion. I think you’d find that such a feature wouldn’t be very helpful. The reason is that pressing one pad would light approximately 15 pads in the “Played” color, and playing a 4-note chord would light approximately 60 pads. This would replace the scale lights, making it very difficult to know where to play. GeoShred doesn’t have this problem because its octave indicator lights add to the visual scale indicators instead of replacing them.

If you’d like to try out your idea to see if it is as useful as you expect, many DAWs (like Logic, Live and others) have a MIDI modifier device that you can use to send received MIDI note messages back to the MIDI out, but transposed to other octaves. This way, playing one note will cause all octaves of that note, in all positions on LinnStrument’s playing surface, to light in the “Played” color.


Thanks, that would be an option to try, but doesn’t work in my case as I use regular midi connected to a hardware sequencer.
Guess, I’ll just have to practice more :)


I was just going to chime in that the ability to show each note as different colour (the rainbow mode if you will) is a great way to improve note reading.

I use that mode exclusively now. It is not what you are asking for, but it is fairly similar.

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