SynthMaster 2 iOS cc74

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Is there a way of assigning cc74 to control the Filter Frequency using Midi Learn so that I can keep to a standard Midi Map across all my iOS synths. I did mention this problem not long after SM2 was first launched last yearI, I was told by one of your team that this was going to be rectified.
Looking forward to your reply.


Hi KVR Team,

I would still like an answer to the question concerning CC74 on Synthmaster 2 iOS.
I would like to assign CC74 to Filter Frequency, I can assign any other number to this particular control, but 74 is “locked out”! all my other synth apps use this parameter for Filter Frequency (cutoff). I have used automation in Cubasis3 to control this parameter, but this parameter does not cancel when a difference preset is selected via midi, meaning the next selected preset on that track will have a Frequency setting that is fixed and it is so very annoying. For this reason I have had to stop using automation to control these parameters.

Another BIG problem is still Midi Learn.
The “Import Midi Learn” in the preset menu is a good feature except that when Midi Parameters have mysteriously disappeared on every instance of SM2 used in a project, they ALL have to have the “Import Midi Learn” procedure applied which again is very annoying having to do this. I have imported Midi Learn in one instance of SM2, shut everything down, relaunched Cubasis3 only to find only this one single instance of SM2 with the imported parameters, all other instances still need their parameters manually imported!
As brilliant as SM2 sounds, and I really do use many instances in each of my projects, this constant Midi parameter disappearing act is more than a boring chore to have to rectify on a too regular basis.
I, like many others, take my music seriously and rely on this app, that’s why I purchased it in the first place, but Midi Learn has been so problematic since it’s release 18 months ago.
All I can say is that this is the only synth app in my collection that has the above problems, although Synthmaster One also suffers from lost midi parameters, but not very often.
1, how do I allow (unlock) Filter Frequency to be controlled by CC74?
2, can you fix the disappearing Midi Learn Parameters?
I look forward to any answers,

I live in hope :pray:


I will check the CC74 issue, that should be an easy fix.
For the midi learn files, it is better to load them from the standalone app, once the file is loaded, then all new instances will load the same parameters automatically.


Hi IB,
I have imported Midi Learn in the stand-alone version many times, but unfortunately this makes no difference to the AUv3 instances inside Cubasis3, they still have to have Midi Learn manually imported with each instance, it has been this way for months and months.

Regarding CC74, in October 2021! I was told that this was a bug, ie -

“Synthmaster 2 desktop has midicc74 to cc1 On/Off setting and this is the option that will eliminate this problem, but this option was not put in SM 2 iOS, this will be resolved as soon as possible”………..this was 12 months ago :shrug:


Hello, i checked this issue. CC74 modulates the mapped parameter but the result is not updated on the UI. On desktop plugin settings there is an option "Map CC74>CC1" which defaults to ON. This setting was forgotten on iOS, so I added it. When it's set to OFF the change is updated on the UI. We will be releasing a new version in a few days.


Hi IB,
Thank you, that is great news and I look forward to the update :hyper:
Now, if only the Midi Learn Parameters could stop mysteriously disappearing……. :pray: :pray: :pray:


Thank you Ib,

I have updated SM2 to v1.0.15 and I’m happy to say I can now set Midi Learn for filter cutoff to cc74.
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

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